It is known that the fourth power of polynomial X - the third power of 5x plus the second power of (A-1) x + (B-3) x + 2 does not contain the second power and X term of X,

It is known that the fourth power of polynomial X - the third power of 5x plus the second power of (A-1) x + (B-3) x + 2 does not contain the second power and X term of X,

The fourth power of polynomial X - the third power of 5x plus the second power of (A-1) x + (B-3) x + 2 does not contain the second power and X term of X,
Quadratic coefficient = A-1 = 0
Coefficient of X term = B-3 = 0

Decompose the polynomial X & # 179; - 4x & # 178; + X + 6 into factors (using the method of grade 2, and writing the process,)

Original formula = x & # 179; + X & # 178; - (5x & # 178; - X-6)

If the square of 9x - MX + 16 can be decomposed into the square of a binomial, what is the value of M

9x & # 178; - MX + 16 can be written as a square
So 9x & # 178; - MX + 16 = (3x ± 4) &# 178;
m = ± 24

Please use the law of voltage and current in series circuit and Ohm's law to deduce the resistance R = R1 + R2 (proof)

And because the current of series circuit is equal
So I = I1 = I2

Factorization problem solving in grade two
The above three problems need to be solved urgently. I hope you can help me
Bow here and say thank you!

1. (x-2y)(2x+3y+10x-2y)=(x-2y)(12x-y)
2. (a-x)(a-y)(x-y)
3. (a-2)^2-b^2=(a+b-2)(a-b-2)

There are two time zones on the earth in China. How can there be a time zone and where is the time zone

Generally, a country uses a time zone uniformly, so that there will be no time confusion due to different local time, and unnecessary trouble will be reduced

A math problem, I don't understand,
A square lawn with a side length of 20 meters has a 1-meter-wide flower bed around it. It is planned to plant rose flowers in the flower bed. If each flower covers an area of 1 square meter, how many flower seedlings need to be prepared?

2 * 1 * (20 + 2) + 2 * 1 * 20 = 84 (M2)
84 △ 1 = 84 (trees)

Shanghai World Expo will be held from May 1st to October 31st, 2010. May 1st is Saturday, and October 31st is what day?

So Monday is November 1st and October 31st is Sunday
May 31, June 30, July 31, August 31, September 30, October 31
So it's 184 days in total. Divided by seven, the other two days are Monday

How to use the mathematical formula of grade two?

Editor's note: mathematics formulas in grade two of junior high school must be memorized on the basis of understanding. Some students think that mathematics formulas are not like English, history and geography. They have to memorize words, dates and place names. Mathematics relies on wisdom, skills and reasoning. Senior teachers of excellent learning network want to tell you that in fact, mathematics is also inseparable from memory

12 * 11 = 132 21 * 11 = 231 what's the rule?

Symmetry, such as: ABC x de = ed x CBA, because the numbers on both sides of the equation are respectively symmetrical, and the two digit and three digit numbers in each equation have the same law, so we call this kind of equation "digital symmetry equation". For example, the following equation, the results are equal: 13 × 341 = 143 × 3123 × 352 =