Let the inequality MX ^ 2-2x-m + 1

Let the inequality MX ^ 2-2x-m + 1

When m (x ^ 2-1) 1, (2x-1) / (x ^ 2-1) > m
In order to make the inequality hold, the maximum value on the left side of the inequality is larger than that on the right side, that is, (2x-1) / (x ^ 2-1) > = 2
Get 1

If the solution set of inequality - 1 / 2x + 2x > MX is {x | 0 < x < 2}, the value of M is obtained
Please help me with this problem

-1/2x+2x>mx 1/2x+(m-2)x

If every number in (0,3) is the square of inequality 2x + MX-1


Let y = f (x) be an odd function defined on R and an increasing function defined on R, and find the solution set of the inequality f (X & sup2; - 4x-5) > 0

The function y = f (x) is an odd function defined on R
So: F (0) = 0
Y = f (x) is an increasing function on R
Then: X & sup2; - 4x-5 > 0
x> 5, or X

There is an electric fan marked with "220 V & nbsp; 50 W", and the resistance of the motor coil is 0.4 Ω. Connect it to the circuit of 220 v. the following methods are correct ()
A. Q = U2 · TRB. Q = PTC. Q = (PU) 2 · RTD

A. When the electric fan works normally, the heat generated is due to the internal resistance heating, so the heat generated per minute is q = i2rt; because it is a non pure resistance circuit, so I < ur, so Q ≠ u2rt, so a is wrong; B, the power of the electric fan is p, so the heat is q = Pt, so B is correct; C, because I = Pu, q = i2rt, so q = (PU) 2 · RT, so C is correct; D, because BC is correct, so D is wrong; C, because I = Pu, q = i2rt, so Q = (PU) 2 · RT, so C is correct; So choose BC

The power of 1 / 3x2 minus one-third of x plus one-fifth of X is combined into the same category


Induction cooker is a very high household appliances, a marked "220 V 2000 W" induction cooker, in normal use, its resistance is? Current is?

P = UI 2000 = 220 * I current I = 2000 / 220 resistance R = 220 / I

On the problem of general division and reductive division of Mathematics
The similarities between general score and reduced score are as follows
The difference is:

The same point: the value of the fraction is the same
Difference: approximate score is for one score, while general score is for multiple scores

A fuse with rated current of 10A is connected to the household circuit with voltage of 220 v. please explain how many lamps marked with 220 V and 40 W can be connected in this circuit through calculation
Urgent online, etc

So it can connect (2200 / 40) = 55
Because 40W = 0.04kw

There is a ball on the smooth inclined plane with an inclination of 45 ° and a vertical smooth baffle is placed on the left side of the ball to keep the ball still. At this time, the positive pressure of the ball on the inclined plane is N1. If the baffle is removed, the positive pressure of the ball on the inclined plane is N2 during the sliding process
A.N2=0.5N1 B N2=N1
C ne = 2n1 D N2 = following number 2n1

N1 = follow number 2G
N2 = 2G
So N2 = 0.5n1
Choose a