The Fibonacci sequence is like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 What is the remainder of the series of 2012 numbers divided by 3?

The Fibonacci sequence is like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 What is the remainder of the series of 2012 numbers divided by 3?

There is only one multiple of 3 in every four Fibonacci numbers, and 2012 is a multiple of 4. Therefore, the 2012 Fibonacci number is a multiple of 3, and the remainder is 0

The solution set of inequality | x + 1 | - | x-3 | ≤ 0 is______ .

|X + 1 | - | x-3 | denotes the distance from the corresponding point of X to the corresponding point of - 1 minus its distance to the corresponding point of 3, and the distance from the corresponding point of 1 to the corresponding point of - 1 minus its distance to the corresponding point of 3 is exactly equal to 0, so the solution set of the inequality | x + 1 | - | x-3 | ≤ 0 is {x | x ≤ 1}, so the answer is: {x | x ≤ 1}

Hebei Education Press English unit 1 text grade 8 Volume 2

i have~

There are 56 red, blue and white glass balls of the same size, arranged in the order of 2 red balls, 3 basketball balls and 4 white balls. The number of blue glass balls accounts for the total number

1、56÷(2+3+4)=6…… two
3. 18 △ 56 = 9 / 28

How much is 1ml water and 1ml alcohol equal?

In chemistry, you only need to answer less than 2ml
The purpose of the question is to investigate your knowledge about microscopic particles. One of them is that there is a gap between molecules, so when alcohol is mixed with water, some molecules enter each other's gap, so the volume is less than 2ml

Shenzhen newspaper group press

What a melody song it is! What a fast boy he is! What a heavy girl she is! What a beautiful school it is! What a good boy he is! What a beautiful boy he is P37

It is known that the N content of protein is about 15%. If the protein taken from food by an adult is metabolized in the body, it is completely converted into urea [CO (NH2) 2] and excreted out of the body, which is equivalent to about 25 & nbsp; G urea per day, then what is the minimum weight of protein taken from food by an adult per day? (integer is reserved for calculation result)

According to the law of conservation of mass, the type and mass of elements before and after the change remain unchanged. The daily intake of protein by adults is completely converted into urea, so the nitrogen element in protein is the nitrogen element in urea. (relative atomic mass used: H: 1 & nbsp; & nbsp; n: 14 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; O: 16 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; C: 12 & nbsp; )(1) Mass fraction of nitrogen in urea  relative atomic mass of nitrogen atoms × number of nitrogen atoms  relative molecular mass of urea × 100%  14 × 212 + 16 + 14 × 2 + 1 × 4 × 100% ≈ 47% (2) mass of nitrogen in urea  mass of urea × mass fraction of nitrogen in urea  25 & nbsp; (3) the mass of protein ﹣ the mass of nitrogen in protein ﹣ the mass fraction of nitrogen in protein ﹣ 11.7g ﹣ 15% = 78g

How many kilos is a liter?
It's a bucket liquid for printing. Is one liter equal to one kg?

The liter is a unit of volume and the kilogram is a unit of mass
You have to know the density of the printing fluid (that is, the mass of the object per unit volume) to know how many kilograms a liter is equal to

There are 52 students in the class, each of whom makes paper flowers, including 35 who make red flowers and 37 who make yellow flowers. How many students make both red flowers and yellow flowers?

There are 35 + 37-52 = 20
Because there are 35 people doing safflower and 37 people doing yellow flower, there are 35 + 37 = 72 people doing safflower and yellow flower, but there are only 52 people in the class, so there are 72-52 = 20 students doing both safflower and yellow flower

3 / 8 + 3 / 8 + 7 / 5-3 / 8
3 / 8 + 3 / 8 + 7 / 5-3 / 8, I made a mistake. It's 3 / 5 + 3 / 8 + 7 / 5-3 / 8
