1.56 how to open the second power manually 1.56 how to manually square it

1.56 how to open the second power manually 1.56 how to manually square it

1.56/4=0.36 4=2*2
Between 0.6 and 0.7
Between 0.62 and 0.63
Keep going as many decimal places as you want
1.56 ≈ 2*2*0.62*0.62
It's about 1.24 to the second power of 1.56

What is 3 / 2 + 13 / 6 + 37 / 12 + 81 / 20 + 151 / 30 + 253 / 42 + 393 / 56 + 577 / 72

=8 out of 9 out of 36
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What is 100 + 56

Is 100 + 56 = 156 a math problem?

What is 14 divided by 2.5?


Who can calculate Vandermonde determinant
1 1 1 1
2^3 2^2 2 1
3^3 3^2 3 1
(-1)^3 (-1)^2 (-1) 1
It's equal to - 48, please write down which and which multiply to calculate the result, and this column shows how to calculate the formula

1 1 1 12 ^ 3 2 ^ 2 2 13 ^ 3 3 ^ 2 3 1 (- 1) ^ 3 (- 1) ^ 2 (- 1) 1 exchange the first and fourth columns, exchange the second and third columns, two exchange symbols unchanged 1 1 1 11 2 ^ 2 2 ^ 2 ^ 31 3 3 3 ^ 2 3 1 (- 1) ^ 2 (- 1) ^ 3 transpose 1 1 11 2 3 - 11 2 ^ 2 3 ^ 2 (- 1) ^ 21 2 ^ 3 ^ 3 (- 1) ^ 3 this

36 degrees 55 points + 32 degrees 15 points and 68 degrees 20 points - 37 degrees 33 points =?

36 degrees 55 points + 32 degrees 15 points
=69 degrees 10 minutes
68 degrees 20 minutes - 37 degrees 33 minutes
=30 degrees 47 minutes

How to prove (1 / 2) SiNx = sin (x / 2) cos (x / 2)
How to prove (1 / 2) SiNx = sin (x / 2) cos (x / 2)

According to the double angle formula sin2x = 2sinxcosx
So SiNx = 2Sin (x / 2) cos (x / 2)
So (1 / 2) SiNx = 1 / 2 * 2Sin (x / 2) cos (x / 2) = sin (x / 2) cos (x / 2)

How many times 11


The push down process of tan2 / x = (1-cosx) / SiNx
Better give me TaNx / 2 = SiNx / 1 + cosx

Multiply by 2sinx / 2
It becomes 1-cosx because cosx = 1-2 (SiNx / 2) ^ 2
It becomes SiNx (because SiNx = 2sinx / 2 * cosx / 2)

A simple method of 8888 * 7 + 11.1 * 44
