

one hundred and seventy-one

Attention! They are all cyclic, for example, 12 cycles of 0.12, 23 cycles of 0.23

The answer is absolutely right. It's about how to turn a circular decimal into a fraction

What are the single digits of 56 ^ 100? What are the digits?
The number of digits is 175
Let 56 ^ 100 = x, take logarithm on both sides, lgx = 100, lg56 = 174.8188027
Why do things turn out like this?

The single digit is 6, because the multiplication of 100 56 is always 6 * 6, and ultimately 6
The number of digits is 175
Let 56 ^ 100 = x, take logarithm on both sides, lgx = 100, lg56 = 174.8188027
Then take the exponent x = 6.8 * 10 ^ 174 on both sides

What symbol should be used to find the least common multiple of two numbers

If we find the least common multiple of a, B and C, it is as follows:
[a, B, C] = (the least common multiple is written after)
a. The least common multiple of B can be expressed as follows:
[a, b] = (least common multiple)

20 / X & # 178; = (x + 3 / X-2) - 1 solve the equation

(1) ∵ 20 / X & # 178; = (x + 3) / (X-2) - 1, the right side is divided into two parts
{ 20 / X & { 178; = 5 / X-2, with the denominator removed as follows:
X & # 178; = 4x-8 → X & # 178; - 4x + 8 = 0 → (X-2) &# 178; + 4 = 0, the equation has no solution

One in eight equals one divided by eight equals four to 32 equals five to what
Xiao x answered 96 questions correctly, accounting for 24 out of 25 of the total. How many questions are there in this oral arithmetic competition

1 / 8 = 1 / 8 = 4:32 = 5:40 96 / 24 / 25 = 100

A handbook of English grade one
1. Who doesn't work in your home on weekends?
_________________ in your family at the weekend?
Sometimes I eat at my grandparents' house
Sometimes I________________________ .

1. Who doesn't work in your home on weekends?
Who does housework in your family at the weekend?
Sometimes I eat at my grandparents' house
Sometimes I have meals at Grandparents.

How much is 100.23 times 100 plus 50 minus 25 plus 3.51?


A 1.5-meter-long cuboid wood has a square bottom. After sawing the wood into two sections, the surface area increases by 0.18 square meters. The surface area of the original wood can be calculated

There are four situations in this problem: first, stand up the wood and cut it off from the waist,
If the side length of the square is a, the increased area is the area of two squares,
2A * a = 0.18, then a = 0.3m, so the surface area of the square is:
Second, erect the wood and cut it lengthways. Set the side length of the square as a
At this time, the increased area is 2 * 1.5 * a = 0.18, a = 0.06
In this case, the surface area is 1.5 * 0.06 * 4 + 0.06 * 0.06 * 2 = 0.3672m & sup2;
Third, cut along the diagonal, one is the diagonal of the square, the surface area is: 1.5 * 0.064 * 4 + 0.064 * 0.064 * 2 = 0.392m & sup2;
The fourth is the diagonal of the side rectangle, and the surface area is:
According to the meaning of the building, the wood should be average

What is the sum of odd terms divided by the sum of even terms?

It's a lot of work. I'll give you some ideas
We need to see the number of items: let the odd items be x and the even items be y
1. If the number of terms is odd: X-Y = n / 2 ball integer plus 1;
Then find X / y;
2. If it is even, X-Y = n / 2;
Then find X / y;