88,24,56,40,48, () 46a 38 B 40 C 42 d 44 () 11,9,9,8,7,5,6a 10 b 11 C 12 d 13

88,24,56,40,48, () 46a 38 B 40 C 42 d 44 () 11,9,9,8,7,5,6a 10 b 11 C 12 d 13

The rule of the first question is - 64 + 32 - 16 + 8 - 4 + 244. The second question looks at odd items 10 9 8 7 6 and even items 11 9 7 5

18 and 48 27.12 55.22 56.14 40.25 36.16 24.20 35.10 20.6
Greatest common factor

Little classmate, study mathematics well, it will be useful in the future. Don't think about Baidu every day. There will be more difficulties in the future, only by yourself

Factors of 12,24,34,56


The perimeter of the bottom of a granary is 12.56m, with a cone above and a cylinder below. The height of the cylinder is 1.5m. The height of the cone is: what is the volume of the granary of 1.2m?
If every cubic meter of wheat weighs 700 kg, how many tons of wheat can this granary hold?

Bottom radius 12.56 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 2
Cylinder volume 2x2x3.14x1.5 = 18.84
Cone volume 2x2x3.14x1.2x1/3 = 5.024
The total volume is 18.84 + 5.024 = 23.864m3
The weight of wheat is 23.864x700 = 16704.8kg = 16.7048t

Given the secant of the ellipse x ^ 2 / 2 + y ^ 2 = 1 passing through the ellipse a (2,1), the trajectory equation of the midpoint of the chord is obtained

Method one (1) midpoint P (x, y) (Ya Yb) / (XA XB) = 2xa + XB = 2x, Ya + Yb = 2yx ^ 2 / 2 + y ^ 2 = 1x ^ 2 + 2Y ^ 2 = 2 (XA) ^ 2 + 2 (ya) ^ 2 = 2. (1) (XB) ^ 2 + 2 (Yb) ^ 2 = 2. (2) (1) - (2): (XA + XB) * (XA XB) + 2 (Ya + Yb) * (Ya Yb) = 0 (XA + XB) + 2 (ya + Yb) * (Ya Yb) / (XA XB) = 02x + 2 * 2Y *

The area of a triangle is three fifths of a square centimeter, and the bottom is three fifths of a centimeter?

Area of triangle = bottom * height / 2
Therefore, height = 2 * area / bottom = 2 * (3 / 5) / (3 / 5) = 2 cm

The product of two prime numbers must be ()
A. Composite B. prime C. odd D. even

According to the definition of composite number, the product of two prime numbers must be composite number

If the two sides of a triangle are 5 cm and 8 cm respectively, the length of the third side may be () cm
A. 12 cm B. 13 cm C. 14 cm

According to the trilateral relationship of the triangle, the third side should be greater than 8-5 = 3, and less than 8 + 5 = 13, 3 < the third side < 13

As shown in the figure, P is a point on the extension line of the diameter ab of circle O, PC is the tangent line of circle O, C is the tangent point, PM bisects ∠ APC and intersects AC at point M
If Tan ∠ a = 1 / 2, calculate the value of sin ∠ MPC

Certificate: (1)

There is a section on both sides of a river that is parallel. There is a tree every 5 meters on this section of the river bank, and there is a power pole every 50 meters on the other side of the river. When you look at the other side 25 meters away from the bank, you can see that the two adjacent power poles on the other side are just covered by two trees on the other side, and there are two trees between them to seek the width of the river

Because light travels in a straight line, two similar triangles with the same vertex angle are formed from the position of the people on this bank, the tree and the poles on the other bank
The distance between the trees on this bank is one bottom edge, and the distance between the poles on the opposite bank is the other bottom edge. The ratio of the two is
5 * 3m / 50m = 15 / 50 = 3 / 10
The distance between people to this bank and the distance between people to the other bank should also be 3 / 10
The distance to the shore is 25 meters
So the distance to the other bank is 250 / 3 meters
The width of the river is the distance from people to the other bank minus the distance from people to this bank
175 / 3M