Given the range of function f (x) [0,4] (x ∈ [- 2,2]), function g (x) = AX-1, X ∈ [- 2,2], ∀ x1 ∈ [- 2,2], total ∃ x0 ∈ [- 2,2], such that G (x0) = f (x1) holds, then the value range of real number a is______ .

Given the range of function f (x) [0,4] (x ∈ [- 2,2]), function g (x) = AX-1, X ∈ [- 2,2], ∀ x1 ∈ [- 2,2], total ∃ x0 ∈ [- 2,2], such that G (x0) = f (x1) holds, then the value range of real number a is______ .

According to the meaning of the question, we can get: ① when a > 0, − 2A − 1 ≤ 02A − 1 ≥ 4, we get a ≥ 52; ② when a < 0, − 2A − 1 ≥ 42a − 1 ≤ 0, we get a ≤ - 52; ③ when a = 0, G (x) = AX-1 = - 1, ∪ - 52] ∪ [52, + ∞]. So the answer is [- ∞, - 52] ∪ [52, + ∞]

The following is a group of numerical conversion machine, write the output of Figure 1, find out the conversion steps of Figure 2
Fig. 1 input x → - 3 → △ 5 → output →____
Figure 2 output x →_____ →_____ →_____ → output - one-half of the square of - 2x
(1) Write the output formula of Figure 1 and fill in the following table:
Input X - 10 1 / 2 1
The output of Figure 1___
(2) Write the transformation steps in Figure 2

(1) Write out the output formula of Figure 1: (x-3) △ 5
And fill in the following table:
Input X - 10 1 / 2 1
The output of Figure 1 [- 4 / 5], [- 3 / 5], [- - 189;] [- 2 / 5]
(2) Write the transformation steps in Figure 2
X →× (- 2) → square → - ½ → output

The first number is 1, the second number is 11, and the third number is 111

10^(n-1)+10^(n-2)+10^(n-3)+…… +10^(n-n)
That is, the sum of the first n terms of the equal ratio sequence with 1 as prime minister and 10 as common ratio

1000 l = () decimeter cubic

1000 liter = (1000) decimeter 3 power

Linear equation of one variable
It is known that the solution of the equation 4x + 2m = 3x + 1 is the same as that of the equation 3x + 2m = 6x + 1,
How many is m
Thank you first,

Pre simplification
① 3 + 2

There is a column of numbers Each number is the sum of the first two numbers. Find the remainder of the lower number of the series divided by 8

This is the Fibonacci sequence
What is the remainder divided by 8
The cycle of
2011 divided by 12 = 167.. 7
The remainder is five

1400 cubic centimeter = () cubic decimeter. 1.5 cubic meter = () cubic decimeter

1400cc = (1.4) cubic decimeter. 1.5m3 = (1500) cubic decimeter

Eighth grade English volume 2 knowledge points

[the first mock exam module of English in grade eight, I] Talking about hobbies1] I collected... When I was.. When I... I collect 2) I have a collection fo I spend a lot of money on 4) what is your hobby? 5) my hobby is... My hobby is 6) Do you collect How often do you collect Where do you collect ? 9) why do you enjoy ? 10) when did you start doing [key grammar] 1) Master five basic sentence patterns and there be sentence patterns of simple sentences. 2) understand and master the differences between the present perfect tense and the past tense. [writing requirements] you can refer to the text structure pattern learned in this unit, and apply the key words, sentence patterns and grammar learned in this unit to write an article to introduce your classmates' hobbies Classic sentence I like collecting stamps, 1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the given words_________ Of stamps. (Collection) answer: collection

There are two red balls, three yellow balls and five white balls in the box___ .

So the answer is: 15

Is 9000 hectares equal to 90 square kilometers?

If my answer can solve your problem, if you have any questions, please continue to ask. Thank you for your support