C language programming, calculation 1 + 1 / 2 + 1 / 3 + +The sum of 1 / 99 + 1 / 100 (Note: 1 / 2, 1 / 3 1 / 100, which is a fraction in Mathematics)

C language programming, calculation 1 + 1 / 2 + 1 / 3 + +The sum of 1 / 99 + 1 / 100 (Note: 1 / 2, 1 / 3 1 / 100, which is a fraction in Mathematics)

#include void main() { float result; int i=1; do{ result+=1.0/i; i++; }while(i

The eccentricity of the ellipse is determined by a section of a plane cylinder at an angle of 30 degrees to the bottom

The major axis of the ellipse, the diameter of the circle on the ground and the photographing from the top of the major axis to the bottom form a right triangle. Let the radius of the circle be r. the major axis a of the ellipse can be obtained from the relationship of 30 ° angle, and the length of the minor axis B is the diameter of the circle
Now that we have found a and B, we can find the eccentricity of the ellipse

Use 36 cm wire to make a rectangle that is 5 times the length and width. What's the area of the rectangle

If the width of a rectangle is x cm, the length is 5x cm
According to the meaning of the question, the equation can be listed: 2 (x + 5x) = 36
The solution is: x = 3, 5x = 15
So: Area s = 45 square centimeters
I don't know if you have learned the equation. If you haven't learned it, you can directly write the formula: width = 18 / (5 + 1) = 3, length = 15
Area = 3 * 15 = 45 square centimeter



Given two points a (0, - 3) B (4,0), if point P is a moving point on the circle x ^ 2 + y ^ 2-2y = 0, then the minimum value of △ ABP area is? And the circle can be obtained
Is it the radius of the earth

From the equation x ^ 2 + y ^ 2-2y = 0 of the given circle, it is obtained that x ^ 2 + (Y-1) ^ 2 = 1, the coordinate of the center g of the given circle is (0,1), and the radius r of the circle is 1. From a (0, - 3), B (4,0), it is obtained that the slope of AB = (0 + 3) / (4-0) = 3 / 4, and the equation of AB is y = (3 / 4) x-3, that is, 3x -

It is proved that P is the smallest prime number divisible by (p-1)! + 1
The point is the smallest
It's factorial

P is the smallest prime number divisible by (p-1)! + 1
According to Wilson's theorem, P | ((p-1)! + 1), that is, (p-1)! = - 1 mod P
For any integer n

What is the increasing range of F (x) = Log1 / 2 (x ^ 2-2x-3), I think this is why the decreasing function has an increasing range,

Fixed thinking
When the true part X ^ 2-2x-3 decreases monotonically, f (x) increases monotonically
We only need to find the decreasing interval of x ^ 2-2x-3

Let f (x) = {1 x ^ 2 (x < = 0) 2 LG (x + 1) (x > 0). If f (X.) > 1, then the value range of X. is?


58 = () + () multiply () (), where is prime number
8 = () + () multiplied by () () where is prime number


Given that the probability density of continuous random variable x is FX (x), y = - 4x + 1, then FY (y)=