10 times (x minus 16) plus 16 is 16. What is x

10 times (x minus 16) plus 16 is 16. What is x


The sum of two acute angles of a right triangle is equal to ()% of a flat angle

The sum of two acute angles of a right triangle is equal to 50% of a flat angle

Find the trajectory equation of the middle point of the line passing through the point (0, 2) which is cut by the ellipse x 2 + 2Y 2 = 2

Let the linear equation be y = KX + 2, substitute it into x2 + 2Y2 = 2, and get (2k2 + 1) x2 + 8kx + 6 = 0. To make the straight line and ellipse have two different intersections, then △ & gt; 0, that is K & lt; - 62 or K & gt; 62. Let the two intersections of the straight line and ellipse be a (x1, Y1), B (X2, Y2), and the midpoint coordinate be C (x, y), then x = X1 + X22 = - 4k2k2 + 1, y = - 4k22k2 + 1, y = - 4k22k2 + 1. (K & lt; - 62 or K & gt; The parameter equation x = - 4k2k2 + 1, y = 22k2 + 1 is deleted to get x2 + 2 (Y-1) 2 = 2, and | x | & lt; 62, 0 & lt; Y & lt; 12

The bottom of a triangle is twice that of a parallelogram, and its area is 1 / 3 of that of a parallelogram. How many times is the height of a parallelogram?

Let the base of the triangle be "2" and the area be 2
Then the base of the parallelogram is 1. The area is 6
Therefore, the height of a parallelogram is three times that of a triangle

What must be the product of any two prime numbers? Odd, even, prime, combined

Sum, because it has at least two divisors

The lengths of the two sides of a triangle are 8 cm and 5 cm respectively. The length of the third side must be greater than? Cm and less than? Cm

We can find out the range of the third side: | A-B | the third side < A + B, that is 3cm < the third side < 13cm

Additional questions: as shown in the figure, PA is tangent line ⊙ o, a is tangent point, PBC is secant, bisector of ∠ APC intersects AB at point E, AC at point F, and point m is the midpoint of BC

It is proved that: ∵ pf bisects ∵ APC, ∵ 1 = ∵ 2, and ∵ PA is the tangent line of ⊙ o, ∵ C = ∵ PAB. ∵ AEF = ∵ 1 + ∵ PAB, ∵ AFE = ∵ 2 + ∵ C, ∵ AEF = ∵ AFE, i.e., AE = AF. ∵ m is the midpoint of BC, ? BAM = ⊥ cam. ≁ am ⊥ PF

There is a section on both sides of a river that is parallel. There is a tree every 5 meters on this section of the river bank, and there is a telegraph pole every 50 meters on the other side of the river. When you look at the opposite bank 25 meters away from the bank, you can see that two adjacent telegraph poles on the opposite bank are just covered by two trees on this bank, and there are three trees between the two trees, so you can calculate the width of the river

As shown in the figure: AF = 25m, BC = 5 × 4 = 20m, de = 50m. Because BC ∥ De, BCDE = afag, that is 2050 = 2525 + FG, the solution is: FG = 37.5m. Through the test, FG = 37.5 is in line with the meaning. Therefore, the river width is 37.5m

There are three points a, B and C on circle O. if the length of chord AC is equal to the radius of circle O, find the degree of angle ABC

When the angle is 30 ° or 150 ° and △ OAC is an equilateral triangle, it can be divided into two cases: point B is on inferior arc AC and point B is on superior arc AC. it can be obtained by "the circumference angle opposite the same arc is equal to half of the center angle of the circle"

When x = 3, the value of the integer PX & # 179; + QX + 1 is 2012. When x = - 3, the value of the integer PX & # 179; + QX + 1 is obtained

When x = 3, the value of the integer PX & # 179; + QX + 1 is 2012
When x = 3, PX & # 179; + QX = 2011
When x = - 3, PX & # 179; + QX = - 2011
When x = - 3, the value of the integer PX & # 179; + QX + 1 = - 2010