Simple operation (99 & # 178; + 98 & # 178; + ··· + 90 & # 178;) - (89 & # 178; - 88 & # 178; + ···· + 80 & # 178;) should have simple process

Simple operation (99 & # 178; + 98 & # 178; + ··· + 90 & # 178;) - (89 & # 178; - 88 & # 178; + ···· + 80 & # 178;) should have simple process

The original formula = (99 & # 178; - 89 & # 178;) + (98 & # 178; - 88 & # 178;) + +(90²-80²)=(99+89)(99-89)+(98+88)(98-88)+…… +(90+80)(90-80)=10(99+89)+10(98+88)+…… +10(90+80)=10(99+98+97+…… +80)=10×(...

What's the difference between give out, give away and hand out?
Detailed, accurate and perfect

Give out 1. Allow to be known, declare publicly 2. Send forth, emit 3. Distribute 4. Stop functioning, fail; also, come exhausted or used up

13 out of 27 numerator plus a, denominator minus a, equal to 7 out of 3. What's the number a?

(13+A)/(27-A) = 7/3,

Do you want the predicate verb after one and a half apples to be singular or plural,

When the subject is one and a half + noun, the number of the predicate verb depends on the number of the following nouns. The noun is singular, the predicate verb is singular, the noun is plural, and the predicate verb is plural

The range of - x power of function y = (1 / 2) is

The - x power of y = (1 / 2)
=The x power of 2 is greater than 0
The range of - x power of function y = (1 / 2) is (0, + infinity)

Translate English into spoken Chinese
My strong point is to easily adjust to a new environment and get along well with others.
-I always try to put myself in the other's shoes. so I rare get into a serious conflict with anybody. so I am very good at handling group situations.
through my communication skill, I could make outstanding perfomances with my members.i'm sure that my strengths can make a meaningful contribution to your company.

My strong point is that it's easy to adapt to the new environment and get along with others
I am good at dealing with team situations. With my communication skills, I can make outstanding achievements with team members. I am sure that I can make meaningful contributions to your company by giving full play to my advantages
Interview with the right? For oral, slightly changed individual words

As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, e is the inner part of △ ABC, and the bisector of ∠ A and the circumscribed circle of △ ABC intersect at point D

Connecting be, ∵ e is the inner part, ∵ AE, be are the angular bisectors of ∠ BAC, ∵ ABC, ∵ bed = ∠ BAE + ∠ EBA, ∵ EBA = ∠ EBC, ∵ BAE = ∠ EAC, ∵ bed = ∠ EBC + ∠ EAC, ∵ EBD = ∠ EBC + ∠ CBD, ∵ CD = CD, ∵ EAC = ∠ CBD, ∵ EBD = ∠ bed, ∵ de = BD

That is not my CD
The sooner the better

Those are not my CDs.

The square of AX + BX + C is a complete square number. It is proved that the square of B - 4ac = 0
Undetermined coefficient method~

Let ax & sup2; + BX + C = (MX + n) & sup2;, have
ax²+bx+c = m²x²+2mnx+n²
Because it is true for any x constant, the corresponding coefficients are equal and the two ends are compared
It is proved that B & sup2; - 4ac = (2Mn) & sup2; - 4m & sup2; n & sup2; = 0

Tell parents me can you about you

Can you tell me about your parents?