If x2-4x + 3 / x2-3x + 2 is meaningful, then the value of X is

If x2-4x + 3 / x2-3x + 2 is meaningful, then the value of X is

If (X & # 178; - 4x + 3) / (X & # 178; - 3x + 2) is meaningful, then
X ≠ 1 and X ≠ 2

When x = - 2, calculate the value of (4x2-3x) - (3x2 + X + 1) + (2-x2 + 4x)

When x = - 2
The original formula is 1

Mathematics problems in Volume 1 of grade 9
Given M & sup2; - 4m + n & sup2; + 8N + 20 = 0, find the solution of the equation m χ + 2 = 0

So m-2 = 0, N + 4 = 0
m=2 n=-4
Substituting MX + 2 = 0, we get x = - 1

In order to solve the problem of people's difficulty in seeing a doctor, the Municipal People's government decided to lower the price of drugs. After two successive price cuts, the price of a certain drug was adjusted from 200 yuan per box to 128 yuan. What's the average percentage of each price reduction?

Let X be the percentage of the average price reduction each time. From the meaning of the question, we get 200 × (1-x) 2 = 128. The solution is X1 = 0.2, X2 = 1.8. A: the average price reduction rate of this drug is 20%

Let f (x) = ln (- x quadratic + x), then the domain of definition of F (x) is interval?

The true number is greater than 0

A few mathematical problems in the third grade of junior high school
If X1 and X2 are the two real roots of the equation x ^ 2 + 2x-5 = 0, what is the value of X1 ^ 2 + X1 * x2 + 2x1
Given that the value of x ^ 2 + 3x + 5 is 0, what is the value of the algebraic formula 3x ^ 2 + 9x + 12?
Given that ABC is the length of three sides of △ ABC, what is the case according to the root of the equation CX ^ 2 + (a + b) + C / 4 = 0? (there are two real roots)
Given a = - 2002, B = 1999, C = - 1997, find the value of a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 + C ^ 2 + AB + BC AC
I know this can be changed into 1 / 2x [(a + b) ^ 2 + (A-C) ^ 2 + (B + C) ^ 2], but why can it be changed like this?... explain ha
Given x ^ 2-15xy + 50y ^ 2 = 0, what is the value of X / y? (5 or 10,...)
The answer of the question is wrong-_ I didn't find anything wrong
The process of mathematical problems is the most important-_ ,-...

1. Given that X1 and X2 are the two real roots of the equation x ^ 2 + 2x-5 = 0, what is the value of X1 ^ 2 + X1 * x2 + 2x1?. X1 + x2 = - 2x1 * x2 = - 52. Given that the value of x ^ 2 + 3x + 5 is 0, what is the value of the algebraic formula 3x ^ 2 + 9x + 12? X ^ 2 + 3x + 5 = 0x ^ 2 + 3x = - 5 multiplied by 33x ^ 2 + 9x = - 15, so 3x ^ 2 + 9x + 12 = - 15

A computer went up by 10% in October, and then went down by 11% in late October. Now the price is 5000 yuan. How much is the difference between the current price and the original price?

A computer went up by 10% in October, and then went down by 11% in late October. Now the price is 5000 yuan. How much is the difference between the current price and the original price? 5000 ^ (1-1 / 11) ^ (1 + 1 / 10) - 5000 = 0. Benefactor, I see that you are a unique talent in the Wulin with delicate bones, elegant appearance and wisdom

How to calculate the minus one square of a fraction?

It's the reciprocal of this fraction, which is an integer

Given x ^ 2 + y ^ 2-4x + y + 4.25 = 0, find y ^ - x + 3xy value

4.25 = 4 + 0.25, so (X & sup2; - 4x + 4) + (Y & sup2; + y + 0.25) = 0 (X-2) & sup2; + (y + 0.5) & sup2; = 0, the square is greater than or equal to 0, and the sum is equal to 0. If one of them is greater than 0, then the other one is less than 0, which is not true. So both of them are equal to 0, so X-2 = 0, y + 0.5 = 0x = 2, y = - 0.25, so y & sup2; - x + 3xy = 0.0625

The cost of a commodity is 80 yuan. In order to get 20% profit, the price of the commodity is () yuan
Calculation by linear equation of one variable

The cost of a commodity is 80 yuan. In order to get 20% profit, the price of the commodity is (80 + 80 × 20% = 80 + 16 = 96) yuan