The solution of equation 3x square = 5x is?

The solution of equation 3x square = 5x is?

3x square = 5x
3x square

If the square of x power of 10 equals a and the Y power of 10 equals B, what is the 2x + 3Y power of 10 equal to


Let's know that the product obtained by multiplying the square of X + ax + B by X + 2 is the third power of X + 2x + 12

Then a + 2 = 0, B + 2A = 2, 2b = 12
a=-2 b=6 b=6

In the sequence {xn}, if 2xn = 1 x & nbsp; n − 1 + 1 x & nbsp; N + 1 (n ≥ 2), and X2 = 23, X4 = 25, then X10=______ .

Because in the sequence {xn}, 2xn = 1x & nbsp; n − 1 + 1x & nbsp; N + 1 (n ≥ 2), and X2 = 23, X4 = 25, then 2x3 = 1x2 + 1x4 = 32 + 52 = 4, so X3 = 24, similarly, we get X5 = 26, so xn = 2n + 1, so we get X10 = 211, so the answer is 211

A bought a new house. The living room of the new house is 6 meters long and 4 meters wide. Q: how many pieces do you need to lay the floor with 1 meter long square bricks in the living room

4 × 6 = 24 pieces

In △ ABC, the opposite sides of angles a, B and C are a, B and C respectively, and satisfy (2a-c) CoSb = bcosc (1) find the size of angle B; (2) if B = 7, a + C = 4, find the area s of △ ABC

(1) In △ ABC, from (2a-c) CoSb = bcosc and sine theorem, we can get 2sinacosb sinccosb = sinbcosc, that is, 2sinacosb = sin (B + C) = Sina, we can get CoSb = 12, we can get & nbsp; b = π 3. (2) if B = 7, a + C = 4, from cosine theorem, we can get CoSb = A2 + C2 − b22ac = (a + C) 2 − 72ac = 16 − 72ac = 12, so there is AC = 3, so the area of △ ABC is s = 12ac · SINB = 12 × 3 × sin π 3 = 334

Are SiNx and arcsinx inverse functions of each other? If so, SiNx derivative is cosx, and SiNx derivative can be expressed as inverse function of SiNx, i.e. one third of arcsinx derivative
The two are not the same. How can they be broken

They are inverse functions of each other,
The inverse function of F (x) = SiNx is f ^ (- 1) (x) = arcsinx, (in a monotone period)
It's not reciprocal. It doesn't matter

Stack 27 small cubes with edge length of 1cm into a large cube. How many square centimeters less is the surface area of this large cube than the sum of all the original small cubes?

The original 27 1 cm cube iron blocks are stacked into a large cube, and the volume sum is 27 cubic centimeters. Because 33 = 27, the edge length of the stacked large cube is 3cm, then: 1 × 1 × 6 × 27-3 × 3 × 6, = 162-54, = 108 (cubic centimeters). A: the surface product of the large cube is 108 square centimeters less than the sum of the original small cubes

A question of mathematical logical thinking
Someone bought a toy for 19 yuan and sold it for 20 yuan. He thought it was not cost-effective. He bought it for 21 yuan and sold it for 22 yuan. How much did it earn

Two yuan
The simplest way is: he has done two businesses, earning one yuan each
The second method: the total investment in this toy is 19 + 21 = 40, and the total income is 20 + 22 = 42 yuan

Given that x ^ 2Y + y ^ 2x-2 = 0, then dy / DX is the same when x = 1. Y = 1=
