If the quadratic function y = x + PX + Q, f (- 4) = 5, and the ordinate of the intersection of image and Y axis is 5, then p + q =

If the quadratic function y = x + PX + Q, f (- 4) = 5, and the ordinate of the intersection of image and Y axis is 5, then p + q =

According to the meaning of the question, we can get the equations {5 = (- 4) ^ 2 + P (- 4) + Q
So q = 5

Given the quadratic function y = x ^ 2-px + Q, f (- 4) = 5, and the ordinate of the intersection of the image and the Y axis is 5, then p=________ ,q=________ .

The ordinate of the intersection of the image and the Y axis is 5,
So F0) = 5
Substitute f (- 4) = 5, F0) = 5 into y = x ^ 2-px + Q respectively
We get 5 = 16 + 4P + Q
∴p=-4 q=5

Given the quadratic function y = x-px + Q, f (- 4) = 5, and the ordinate of the intersection of the image and the Y axis is 5, then p = q =

Because the ordinate of the intersection of the image and the Y axis is 5
So y = 0-0 + q = 5

If (x-4) (x + 8) = the square of X + PX + Q, then p + q =?

∫ (x-4) (x + 8) = x & sup2; + 4x-32 (x-4) (x + 8) = the square of X + PX + Q
∴P=4 q=-32

A square flower bed will be built in a square field. It is estimated that the side length of the flower bed is 8 meters less than that of the field, and the field area is 144 square meters larger than that of the flower bed,
Find the side length of the original square field
First grade math, fast
Teachers who understand mathematics, please help me!!!

13 meters
The square field is a meter long and the flower bed is (A-8) meters long

Simple three, object case, subject case, present participle, comparative, superlative, plural, past tense, adjective, reverse pronoun, adjective, ordinal, past tense,

The object case refers to the specific form in which the pronoun acts as the object. The subject case refers to the specific form in which the pronoun acts as the subject. The present participle refers to the specific form in which the verb forms the present continuous tense. The comparative and superlative are the specific forms in which the adjective is placed in the sentence with comparison, The past tense refers to the past form of a verb, indicating that the action has taken place. Sorry, the child called other follow-up!

Mathematics sine definite understanding triangle
1. In the triangle ABC, if C = 3b, then C / b value range?
2. In the triangle ABC, the edges a, B, C opposite to a, B, C, (radical 3 × b)_ c) X COSC, find cosa

1. In the triangle ABC, if C = 3b, then C / b value range?

The difference between the past continuous tense and the present perfect tense!
Please explain the main differences in detail
For example: I did my homework
How to change this sentence into the above three tenses
Refuse to copy!
Copy all ignore!

The general present tense and the present continuous tense are two important tenses learned in the first stage of junior high school. This paper compares them from the following three aspects in order to better grasp their usage

The ideological and theoretical source of Marxist Philosophy

Hegel's dialectics and Feuerbach's materialism in German classical philosophy

In the series resonant circuit, the voltage of inductance and capacitor is much higher than the supply voltage. What is the application value in engineering?

(1) Using series resonance to produce power frequency high voltage, applied in high voltage technology, voltage withstand test for power equipment such as transformer can effectively find dangerous concentrated defects in the equipment, which is the most effective and direct method to test the insulation strength of electrical equipment
(2) In radio engineering, series resonance is often used to obtain higher voltage
(3) The frequency conversion series resonance test device is based on the principle of series resonance. The excitation transformer is used to excite the series resonance circuit, adjust the output frequency of the frequency conversion controller, and make the loop inductance L and sample C series resonance. The resonance voltage is the voltage added to the sample. The frequency conversion resonance test device is widely used in electric power, metallurgy, petroleum, chemical industry and other industries, and is suitable for large capacity, Handover and preventive test of high voltage capacitive test sample
(4) Soft switching technology and resonant switching conversion technology make it possible to realize high-power and high-frequency power supply. It applies the principle of resonance to make the current (or voltage) in the switching device change according to the sine or quasi sine law, and adopts soft switching technology, Its essence is to add energy storage elements such as inductance and capacitance on the main switch to form a resonant circuit. When the main switch of the converter is commutating, resonance occurs, forcing the voltage or current on the main switch to zero, thus providing a zero voltage or zero current switching environment for the main switch, This means that the diode has been cut off and its reverse recovery process is over. Therefore, the reverse recovery problem of diode no longer exists. The most ideal soft shutdown process is that the current first drops to zero and the voltage of the main pipe rises to the off state value, Because the current in the inductor is zero before the device is turned off, the inductive turn off problem can be solved. It can not only solve the hard switching loss problem, capacitive turn-on problem, inductive turn off problem and diode reverse recovery problem, but also solve the EMI problem caused by hard switching
(5) Series resonance technology is applied in induction heating, inverter welding and other high-frequency inverter, which can realize ZCS or ZVS of main switch, effectively improve power factor and realize high-power output. It is a high-frequency and high-voltage series resonance technology, which outputs medium voltage square wave after rectification and inversion of three-phase commercial power, The step-up transformer raises the output of inverter to a certain voltage, and then uses the leakage inductance of transformer and load series resonance to achieve the required load voltage. This technology has a broad application prospect, and can be used in ozone generator, material surface treatment and sewage purification
(6) After the series resonant voltage withstand test device, the power frequency voltage withstand test equipment is rarely used on site, The series resonance test device is mainly used for AC withstand voltage test of GIS, current transformer, circuit breaker, high voltage bushing, high voltage cable and other electrical equipment of 3 ~ 500kV voltage level. According to its principle, the resonance test device can be divided into series resonance and parallel resonance According to the tuning mode, it can be divided into inductance regulation resonance, capacitance regulation resonance and inductance plus capacitance regulation resonance. Among them, series resonance is especially suitable for field high voltage test. The test equipment forms a series resonance circuit with the tested object (equivalent capacitance), so as to obtain a certain frequency of sine wave AC voltage