What is minus three squared

What is minus three squared

Minus three squared equals nine

It is known that (7a + 2) x ^ 2Y ^ 6 is the quintic monomial of X and y, and the coefficient is 16. Find the value of the algebraic formula 2A ^ 2-AB + B ^ 2

(7a + 2) x ^ 2Y ^ B is the quintic monomial of X and y, the coefficient is 16, then 7a + 2 = 16,2 + B = 5, the solution is a = 2, B = 3
Then 2A ^ 2-AB + B ^ 2 = 2 × 4-2 × 3 + 9 = 8-6 + 9 = 11

The symbol of matrix in linear algebra is bracket, can it be bracket or brace

() [] is OK
You can't use braces {}

If (x + Y-5) & # 178; + | x-3y-17 | - 0, find the value of X and y

It should be equal to 0
According to this, we can definitely list the equations, x + Y-5 = 0, x-3y-17 = 0
We can find that x = 8, y = - 3


Equal to (1-1 / 2) + (1-1 / 4) + (1-1 / 8) + (1-1 / 16) + (1-1 / 32) + (1-1 / 64) + (1-1 / 128)
=6 and 1 / 128

In the following transformations from left to right, the factorization is ()
A. a(x+y)=ax+ayB. x2-4x+4=x(x-4)+4C. 10x2-5x=5x(2x-1)D. x2-16+3x=(x-4)(x+4)+3x

A. It is polynomial multiplication, so option a is wrong; B, the right side is not in the form of product, x2-4x + 4 = (X-2) 2, so option B is wrong; C, the common factor method, so option C is correct; D, the right side is not in the form of product, so option D is wrong; so option C

4 / 5 times 2 / 3 minus 2 / 3 times 1 / 5 is a simple and fast algorithm

=2 / 3 × (4 / 5 - 1 / 5) = 2 / 3 times 3 / 5 = 2 / 5

Cuboid: a = 5m, B = 2m, H = 1.5m, surface area: cube s bottom = 0.36m2, surface area = volume=

Cuboid: a = 5m, B = 2m, H = 1.5m surface area
Surface area: (5 × 2 + 5 × 1.5 + 2 × 1.5) × 2 = 41 square meters
Cube s bottom = 0.36 M2
Surface area = 0.36 × 6 = 2.16 M2
Volume = 0.36 × 0.6 = 0.216 M3

What's the quotient of 100 minus 10% and dividing by 15
How to calculate by formula


In the natural number of 1 ~ 100, find out all the multiples of 7, and what is the smallest of them?