What number has a derivative equal to one-third of the square of a plus the square of X It's better to write down the process of solving the problem

What number has a derivative equal to one-third of the square of a plus the square of X It's better to write down the process of solving the problem

No problem-solving process, this is the most basic formula, remember
The derivative of [arctan (x / a)] / a will be equal to one third of (the square of a plus the square of x)

Try to write the square of the equation x - x equals the root of 0. How many can you write

It is known that the equation of hyperbola is X & # 178; / M + 3 + Y / M-4 = 1 (1). If C is an ellipse, find the range of M and the focus of the ellipse
Supplement: (2) if C is a hyperbola, find the value range of M and the focus of hyperbola. Supplement: (2) if C is a hyperbola, find the value range of M and the focus of hyperbola

CD van der Sar's enlarged place

How to calculate 380V voltage and electric power


If f (x) is known to be an odd function, and if x > 0, f (x) = x2 + 1X, then f (- 1) = ()
A. 2B. 1C. 0D. -2

∵ if f (x) is known to be an odd function, and if x > 0, f (x) = x2 + 1X, then f (- 1) = - f (1) = - (1 + 1) = - 2, so D

When the following household appliances work normally, the electric power is about 1kW ()
A. Microwave oven B. refrigerator C. electric fan D. TV set

A. The power of microwave oven is about 1000W; B. the power of refrigerator is about 200W; C. the power of electric fan is about 60W; D. the power of TV is about 120W

Take off formula calculation. (those that can be simplified should be simplified). [1 - (4 / 9 + 1 / 3)] / 1 / 3
11 / 12 × 25 - 11 / 12, 2 / 3 △ 5 / 18, 5 / 8, 3 / 12

[1 - (4 / 9 + 1 / 3)] 1 / 3
=[1-7 / 9] × 3
=2 / 9 × 3
=2 / 3
11 / 12 × 25 - 11 / 12
=11 / 12 × (25-1)
=11 / 12 × 24
2 / 3 △ 5 / 18 × 3 / 8
=2 / 3 × 1 / 5 × 18 / 5 × 3 / 8

How long does it take for a 60V electric vehicle to fully discharge and recharge

The original charger lasts about 10 hours,

Calculation problem: 5 out of 3.5 * 4 + 27 out of 1.25 * 10 + 3.8 divided by 4 out of 5

Convert all decimals into fractions
3.8 divided by 4 / 5 = 3.8 times 5 / 4

The physical quantities represented by the English letters

A amplitude
A acceleration
B magnetic field strength
C specific heat capacity and capacitance
C speed of light
D potential shift vector
D grating constant
E electric field strength
E electronic quantity
F force and method (capacitance unit)
F friction and vibration frequency
G gravity
G acceleration of gravity
H magnetization vector, H (inductance unit)
H height, depth, Planck constant
I current
J Joule (unit of heat and energy), overlapping integral
K Kelvin (thermodynamic temperature unit)
M mass
N pressure / support
N refractive index
P electric power
P Pressure
Q heat and electricity
Q power
R resistance
R displacement, distance
S Journey
S seconds
T temperature, vibration period
T time
U voltage and potential
Vvolt (voltage unit)
V velocity
W work
X susceptibility
Z partition function
I don't know whether to say it completely or not. I probably remember these_ ∩)O~