If x is greater than or equal to - 2, the negative integer solution of x greater than - 3 is___ The above is the topic

If x is greater than or equal to - 2, the negative integer solution of x greater than - 3 is___ The above is the topic


25 times 12 equals 25 times () times () equals () times () equals () times () equals () times () equals () how much

25 times 12 equals 25 times (3) times (4) equals (30) times (10) equals (15) times (20) equals 300

Given that the sequence {an} satisfies A0 = 1, an = A0 + A1 + A2 +... + a (n-1) (n ≥ 2 and N belongs to n *), then when n belongs to n *, an is
A. 1 / 2n (n + 1) C. 2's (n-1) times D2's n-times-1

So it's an equal ratio sequence
So an = 2 ^ [n-1]

If a and B polynomials contain only the letter X, the absolute value of each coefficient is 4, a + B is a binomial of degree 4, and A-B is a binomial of degree 3, then a =; b=


A barrel of oil weighs 55 kg. After 40% of the whole barrel is poured out, the whole barrel weighs 35 kg. How many kg is this barrel of oil? How many kilos does the barrel weigh?

(55-35) △ 40% = 20 △ 40% = 50 (kg) & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 55-50 = 5 (kg) a: this barrel of oil is 50 kg and weighs 5 kg

If f (x) = sin (x-1) x is not equal to 10, x = 1, find the differentiability of function at point 1

F (x) = sin (x-1) x is not equal to 1
0 x=1,

Solving the scale equation 1 / 2:1 / 3 = 1 / 4: X


When the volume of a pool is 90 cubic meters, the water is now stored for 10 cubic meters, and the water is injected into the pool with a water pipe at the speed of 5 cubic meters and 1 hour, please God
Write out the relationship between the storage capacity V cubic meter of the pool and the inflow time t (hour)

V = 10 + 5T (V ≤ 90)

Limx approaches positive infinity [√ X & # 178; + 3x + 1 - √ X & # 178; - x + 2]

Using the square difference formula

[- 4 7 / 9] - [- 3 1 / 6] - [2 2 / 9] + [- 6 1 / 2]

The original formula = (- 4,7 / 9) - (- 3,1 / 6) - (+ 2,2 / 9) + (- 6,1 / 6) = - 4,7 / 9 + 3,1 / 6 + (- 2,2 / 9) + (- 6,1 / 6) = [- 4,7 / 9 + (- 2,2 / 9)] + [3,1 / 6 + (- 6,1 / 6)] = - (4,7 / 9 + 2,2 / 9) + [- (6,1 / 6-3,1 / 6)] = - 7 + (- 3) = - (7 + 3) = - 10, benefactor, I see your bones are strange, and your utensils