As follows: 1. There are two angles. If the first angle cuts off one third of its length, it complements the second angle. If the first angle complements the second angle by adding two thirds of its length, it complements the second angle

As follows: 1. There are two angles. If the first angle cuts off one third of its length, it complements the second angle. If the first angle complements the second angle by adding two thirds of its length, it complements the second angle

2X / 3 + y = 90, 5x / 3 + y = 180, x = 90, y = 30

The two forces acting on the same point are F1 = 10N and F2 = 6N. If the angle between the resultant force F and F1 is θ, then θ may be the ball
Two forces acting on the same point are F1 = 10N and F2 = 6N. If the angle between the resultant force F and F1 is θ, then θ may be (a, b)
A.0 B.30° C.60° D.120°
What is the principle of the drawing method of drawing a circle

According to the triangle rule, two components and resultant force can form a closed triangle
Draw F1, with the arrow of F1 as the center and the size of F2 as the radius
Connect the beginning of F 1 with the point on the circle, draw a line segment, this is the possible situation of resultant force
When f is tangent to a circle, the angle between F and circle is the largest

The negative reciprocal of minus four and one-third is------

3 / 13

Ancient and modern meaning: Thinking of aid, bowing and shooting
Think and help, bow and shoot
Ancient: Today:
It's not like that
Ruogu: Today:

Aid: (ancient) lead, pull. Multi finger bow archery
If it's not as good as the former, the latter is not as good as the former
If: not as good as

For a two digit number, the number on the one digit is even and prime, and the number on the ten digit number is odd and composite. This two digit number is prime______ .

According to the definition of prime number and composite number, even number and odd number, in 0-9, prime even number is 2, odd composite number is 9, so this two digit number is 92

The expression of C language for the relation that a is not equal to 0 is
16. The expression for the relation that a is not equal to 0 is ()
A.a0 B.a C.a=0 D.a

It should be d
A. Not in C language, only in VB
B. ! a means to negate a, that is to say, if a = = 0, then! A is not equal to zero
C. This is to let a = 0, the assignment statement cannot be a logical relationship
D. A means that a has a non-zero value

Fill in 1,4,7,10, (), 16,19,4,9,16,25, (), 49,64,1,3,7,15,31,63, (), according to the rule,


Use a natural number to remove an integer, the quotient is 28, the remainder is 10, and the sum of divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder is 715. Find out the number of divisor and divisor
Note: I don't want the equation with two unknowns. I want only one equation. If it's good, there will be extra points

Divisor: (715-28-10-10) / (28 + 1) = 23
Divisor: 23 × 28 + 10 = 654

If the square of KX - (2x-1) x + k = 3 is a linear equation of one variable with respect to x, what is x = then

The equation of first degree with one variable shows that there is no term x &# 178
Then the quadratic coefficient is equal to 0
Then K-2 = 0
The solution is k = 2
We get X-1 = 0
The solution is x = 1

(1)1/4,4/9,7/16,10/25( )( )
(2) 2 1 / 4, 4 4 / 9, 6 7 / 16, () ()

(1) The molecule is plus three
The denominator is a sequence of 5,7,9,11,13
(13/36) (16/49)
(2) 8 and 10 / 25
10 and 13 / 36