There is a kind of natural number. Starting from the third number, each number is just the sum of its first two numbers, such as 246, 1347, etc. What is the largest number in this kind of number?

There is a kind of natural number. Starting from the third number, each number is just the sum of its first two numbers, such as 246, 1347, etc. What is the largest number in this kind of number?

one hundred and twelve thousand three hundred and fifty-eight

Compare the size of 3,4,3 root 50

Root of the third power 50 reduction ≈ 3.68
So 3

There is a group of numbers: 49, 251, 21100, 81. In the following options, () conforms to the characteristics of this group of numbers
There is a group of numbers: 49, 251, 21100, 81... In the following options (), it conforms to the characteristics of this group of numbers
A.61 B.75 C.36

So we can see that 36 = 6 * 6 in C is in line with the characteristics

First simplify, then evaluate 2xy2 - [5x-3 (2x-1) - 2xy2] + 1, where x = 2, y = − 12

2xy2 - [5x-3 (2x-1) - 2xy2] + 1 = 2xy2-5x + 3 (2x-1) + 2xy2 + 1 = 2xy2-5x + 6x-3 + 2xy2 + 1 = 4xy2 + X-2

To solve an applied problem about the system of linear inequalities of one variable
There are several toys in the kindergarten, which are distributed to the children. If each child is divided into three toys, then there are 59 toys left. If each child is divided into five pieces, then the last child gets less toys than the other children. How many children are there in this kindergarten? How many toys?
PS: there are 30 or 31 children in the kindergarten, and there should be 149 or 152 toys. But I want to know the process,

With X children, there are (3x + 59) toys
So the last child gets (3x + 59) - 5 (x-1)
There are: 0 < (3x + 59) - 5 (x-1) < 5
5 < x < 32
Because x is an integer, x = 30 or 31
The number of toys is 3 × 30 + 59 = 149 or 3 × 31 + 59 = 152

I'd like to draw inferences from the table of contents, test questions and version a of the fifth grade Olympiad Mathematics in primary school as soon as possible

There are two versions of drawing inferences from one instance, one is edited by Shan Zun and published by Changchun publishing house, and the other is edited by Jiang Shun and Li Jiyuan and published by Shaanxi Education Publishing House. The topics of the first one are more complicated than those of the second one, but some of them are not fully answered. The second one is easy to use and very thorough

Simple calculation exercises for Grade 6 37 * 37 / 38
Simple calculation
37 times 37 / 38

=36 and 1 / 38

Fill in the blanks of 100 multiple choice questions in mathematics of grade one with answers

1. Given that the solution of equation 3x + a = 2 is 5, then the value of a is a, - 13 B

A mathematical intelligence problem: number four digits, please use +. -. *. / the result should be equal to 24. Four digits can only be used once


How much is x + x = 18 to solve the equation
