8x²-72 【x-y】²-10【y-x】=25 9【a-b】²-16【a+b】² 【a²+9】²-3ba² 【a²+b²】²-4a²b² The fourth power of a × 16A & # 178; The fourth power of 39 × 37-13 × 3 29×19.99+72×19.99+13×19.99-19.99×14 【m+n】【p-q】-【m+n】【q+p】 A + B = - 4, ab = 2, find 4A & # 178; B + 4AB & # 178; - 4a-4b 0.4x-1/0.5-5-x/2≤0.03-0.02x/0.03 9【a+2b】²-4【a-b】² The third power of 3x - 12x & # 178; y + 12xy & # 178; 8x²-72 【x-y】²-10【y-x】=25 9【a-b】²-16【a+b】²

8x²-72 【x-y】²-10【y-x】=25 9【a-b】²-16【a+b】² 【a²+9】²-3ba² 【a²+b²】²-4a²b² The fourth power of a × 16A & # 178; The fourth power of 39 × 37-13 × 3 29×19.99+72×19.99+13×19.99-19.99×14 【m+n】【p-q】-【m+n】【q+p】 A + B = - 4, ab = 2, find 4A & # 178; B + 4AB & # 178; - 4a-4b 0.4x-1/0.5-5-x/2≤0.03-0.02x/0.03 9【a+2b】²-4【a-b】² The third power of 3x - 12x & # 178; y + 12xy & # 178; 8x²-72 【x-y】²-10【y-x】=25 9【a-b】²-16【a+b】²

This is the [A-T [178; + 9] and we are going to be 178; and we are going to be 178; and we are going to be a-3ba; and we are going to be 178; and we are going to be 178; and we are going to be 178; and we are going to be 178; and we are going to be 178; and we are going to be 178; and we are going to be 178; and we are going to be 178; and we are going to be 178; and we are going to be 178; and we are going to be going to be 178; and we are going to be going to be able to be 178; and we are going to be able to be the fourth power of the fourth power of the fourth power of the power of the fourth power of this is × 16a-16a and this is the purpose of the 16A ^ 16A ^ 9 × 639 × 37-9 × 13 × 13 × 13 × 3-13 × 13 × 3 × 3-3 × 3 × 3 × 3-13 × 3 × 13 × 3 × 3-13 × 3-The fourth power of is 39 × 37-39 × 3 ^ 3 = 39 (37-27

Calculate (x + 2) (X-6) + 16; (X-Y) ^ 2 + 4xy; 2A (x ^ 2 + 1) ^ 2-2ax ^ 2; 25 (a + b) ^ 2-9 (a-b) ^ 2; (a + 3b) ^ 2-10 (a + 3b) + 25

√ (- 16) x (- 25) calculation

You can first ignore the root sign, multiply - 16 by - 25, because negative is positive, so it is equal to 16 times 25, and then divide it into root sign 16 times root sign 25, that is, 4 times 5, and the result is 20

The distance from the origin of the point on the number axis representing minus 5 is several units of length


Oral calculation, unit conversion

15 kg = () g 3.001 t = () t () kg 3.7 square decimeter = () square millimeter 5.80 yuan = () jiao () decimeter = 1.5 m () t () kg = 4.08 t 510 M = () km 5 m 16 cm = () M 5 kg 700 g = () kg 0.95 M = () cm 4700 M = () km 36

Integral addition and subtraction: 1: first simplify, then evaluate
1. (A & sup2; B + AB) - 2 (A & sup2; b-ab), where a = 2, B = - 1
2. It is known that X and y satisfy (x-1) & sup2; + | y + 1 | = 0; find the value of the algebraic formula (2x & sup2; - Y & sup2; + 1) - 2 (X & sup2; + Y & sup2;) + XY

1. (A & sup2; B + AB) - 2 (A & sup2; b-ab) = - A & sup2; B + 3AB = AB (3-A) = - 2 * (3-2) = - 22. Because in (x-1) & sup2; + | y + 1 | = 0, the absolute value and the square are greater than or equal to zero, so X-1 = 0, x = 1; y + 1 = 0, y = - 1 (2x & sup2; - Y & sup2; + 1) - 2 (X & sup2; + Y & sup2;) + xy = - 3Y &

The cube of a few equals nine

Let the cube of X be equal to 9
x³ = 9
The solution is: x = 9 ^ (1 / 3)
That is: x equals the open cube of 9; or x equals the cube root of 9
X equals 2.080838230519041145300568243579
x ≈ 2.08008

The two passenger and freight cars run from a and B to each other, and the speed of the freight car is 4 / 5 of that of the passenger car,
The freight car starts from place B and then the passenger car starts from place A. when it meets, the distance between the freight car and place B is 50 kilometers more than that between the passenger car and place A. how many kilometers is the distance between the two places?
Don't use a quadratic equation of two variables,

After the bus leaves, the meeting time (1-1 / 5) / (1 + 4 / 5) = 4 / 9 (hours)
1 * 4 / 9 = 4 / 9 for passenger cars, 1-4 / 9 = 5 / 9 for freight cars,
The distance between a and B is 50 / (5 / 9-4 / 9) = 450 (km)

Given the function y = (x + 2) / (x2 ^ + X + 1) and (x > - 2), (1) find the value range of 1 / y, (2) when x is the value, what is the maximum value of Y
The function y = (x + 2) / (x2 ^ + X + 1) and (x > - 2) are known,
(1) Find the value range of 1 / Y
(2) When what is the value of X, what is the maximum value of Y

M '= 0 to get X1 = √ 5-2 or x2 = - √ 5-2, rounding off
The minimum point is m (x1), please calculate by yourself
It can be seen from 1
M (x1) is the minimum value, then the maximum value of Y is obtained in Y (x1), please calculate by yourself

A pile of soil, if it takes 30 days to transport 360 vehicles a day, now it needs to complete the task five days in advance, how many vehicles a day?

Suppose x cars are transported every day, (30-5) x = 360 × 30, the solution is x = 432