The intersection point of the functions y = SiNx and y = cosx in [0, π / 2] is p, and the area bounded by their two tangent lines at point P and X axis is? Can you do the calculation for me. It's not the same as what I found on the Internet. I do it this way

The intersection point of the functions y = SiNx and y = cosx in [0, π / 2] is p, and the area bounded by their two tangent lines at point P and X axis is? Can you do the calculation for me. It's not the same as what I found on the Internet. I do it this way

1、 The intersection coordinates of sine function and cosine function on [0, π / 2] are obtained;
2、 The slopes of the two tangents on the point are obtained (the simplest is y '︱ x =? With the first derivative);
3、 Two intersections of two lines and X-axis are obtained;
4、 Conclusion

F (x) is an even function on R, and its image is symmetric with respect to the line x = 1. It is proved that f (x) is a periodic function

F (x) is an even function on R. f (- x) = f (x)
Its image is symmetric with respect to the line x = 1 and deduces f (1-x) = f (1 + x)
So f (x + 2) = f (1 + (1 + x)) = f (1 - (1 + x)) = f (- x) = f (x)
So f (x) is a periodic function and 2 is its period

If the function y = f (x) is even, then the image of the function g (x) = f (f (x)) is symmetric with respect to ()

Y-axis, you think, for example, y = x ^ 2 is even function, y = FF (x) = (x ^ 2) ^ 2 = x ^ 4, is still even function, so: About Y-axis symmetry. Welcome to "play math 8 bar" to ask questions, dedicated to provide you with free detailed answers!

The distance from the origin of the points representing + 3 and - 3 on the number axis is () unit length


Boys wear white hats. Girls wear red hats. Every boy sees white hats as much as red hats. Every girl sees white hats twice as much as red hats

Suppose x men and Y women, then
Substituting y = X-1 into the second formula, we get X-1-1 = x / 2, then x = 4
So y = 3
The solution is x = 4, y = 3
The total number is 7

The addition and subtraction of integers should be simplified before evaluation
1.5x & sup2; + radical 5 X-2 (2x & sup2; - 3) + (1-x), where x = radical 5
1 / 2 x - (2x - (2 / 3) y & sup2;) + ((- 3 / 2) x + (1 / 3) y & sup2;), where x = - 1 / 4, y = - 1 / 2
&Sup2: it means square. If you can't see clearly, please use a magnifying glass

1. The original formula = 5 * x ^ 2 + (sqr5) * x-4 * x ^ 2 + 6 + 1-x = x ^ 2 + ((sqr5) - 1) * x + 7, substituting x = root 5 into the original formula = 5 + 5-sqr5 + 7 = 17-sqr52. The original formula = (1 / 2) * X-2 * x + (2 / 3) y ^ 2 - (3 / 2) x + (1 / 3) y ^ 2 = y ^ 2-x, substituting x = 1 / 4, y = 1 / 2 into the original formula = 1 / 4-1 / 4 = 0

The cube of () is - 64 / 343

-64 open cubic = - 4
343 to the third power = 7
So the answer is [- 4 / 7]
I hope I can help you~

A passenger car and a freight car start from a and B at the same time. They travel in opposite directions. The speed ratio of the passenger car and the freight car is 5:3, which is 36 kilometers more than 2 / 5 of the whole journey
Both algebra and equation are needed

What's this? It seems that I've seen it before... The distance between the bus and the bus is 5 / (3 + 5) = 5 / 8, 36 ^ (5 / 8-2 / 5) = 36 ^ (9 / 40 = 160 km). Do you want to know the distance? The equation is as follows: the distance between a and B is x km, 5 / 8x = 2 / 5x + 36 5 / 8x-2 / 5x = 36, x = 36

It is known that the function y = 2Sin ω x (ω > 0) has at least two maximum values in the interval [0,1]. The value range of ω is obtained

It can be seen from the meaning of the problem that the 5 / 4 period of the equation needs to be less than 1 (the highest point of the sine image appears twice within 1, at least another period plus a quarter period)
The period is 2 π / ω, so the equation 5 / 4x2 π / ω is obtained

It takes 20 days to transport a pile of soil. If you transport 30 vehicles a day, you need to complete the task five days in advance. How many vehicles do you need to transport every day?

30 × 20 (20-5) = 600 △ 15 = 40 (cars); answer: 40 cars are transported every day