One eighth of 3 meters is as long as () of 1 meter

One eighth of 3 meters is as long as () of 1 meter

One eighth of a meter is as long as one eighth of a meter

Grade 8 Volume 1 English page 84 3A translation

For example, Xiulan Temple became a movie star when she was three years old. Mei Lanfang first performed in Beijing Opera when she was ten years old. Liu Xuan, a Chinese gymnast, won the title of champion when she was seventeen
This is LZ

What is the greatest common factor of 18 and 23, and how to make short division?

We can draw a direct conclusion: because 18 and 23 are coprime numbers, their greatest common factor is 1
If you really have to use short division, this is it:
1|__ 18__ 23__
18 23
The greatest common factor of 18 and 23 is 1

The inverse scale function y is equal to 2 / X. when x equals - 2, y equals__ When x is less than - 2, the value range of Y is__ When x is greater than - 2, the value range of Y is__

When x = - 2, y = - 1

When calculating the sum of two rational numbers, we must first determine what is the sum and then determine what is the sum

First determine the sign of the sum, that is, positive and negative, then determine the size of the sum, that is, the value

Granny Zhang's family has 90 chickens. If she has 4 / 5 more chickens than ducks, how many ducks?

x+4/5x=90 x=50

When x > 1 / 2, find the minimum value of the function y = x + 8 / (2x-1)
Such as the title

The mean value theorem is used to solve the function y = x + 8 / (2x-1) = (2x-1) / 2 + 8 / (2x-1) + 1 / 2. Because x > 1 / 2, 2x-1 > 0, that is, (2x-1) / 2 + 8 / (2x-1) ≥ 4. If and only if 2x-1 = 8 / (2x-1), that is, x = (1 + 2 √ 2) / 2, the minimum value of 4 is obtained. So if and only if 2x-1 = 8 / (2x-1), that is, x = (1 + 2 √ 2) / 2

The answer of mathematics exercise book 9.16

12, 35, triangle

Sequence: 0,1 / 2,8 / 11,5 / 6,8 / 9, X in X=---

If you look at the molecules, the difference is 3, 5, 7, 9
The denominator is numerator plus 3
The next X is 35 / 38

How many meters, decimeters, centimeters, millimeters, micrometers and nanometers is one kilometer

1km = 1000M
1 meter = 10 decimeters
1 m = 100 cm
1m = 1000mm
1 mm = 1000 μ M
1 μ M = 1000 nm