Keep the sun today Do you really understand the meaning of "learn to keep today's sun" 2. Read the sentences in the passage (since then, I always use this method to keep the sun. What do you mean by "this way"? 3. After reading this passage, you may have a way to keep today's sun. Please write about it. How are you going to keep today's sun?

Keep the sun today Do you really understand the meaning of "learn to keep today's sun" 2. Read the sentences in the passage (since then, I always use this method to keep the sun. What do you mean by "this way"? 3. After reading this passage, you may have a way to keep today's sun. Please write about it. How are you going to keep today's sun?

1. Learn to cherish time. 2. Don't waste any time. 3. Study hard and make progress every day

If the cube of X is 10648, what are the single digits of X, ten digits
Good for wealth

X is 22 directly, I guess, but I should do it. If three identical numbers are multiplied, the mantissa is 8, then the mantissa of this number is 2, which is decided by the multiplication operation. If you don't believe it, try it yourself, the mantissa of mantissa multiplication and product are the same! And if you want to guess ten digits, this cube is about 10000! Then try 10

C # print out all the "Narcissus numbers". The so-called "narcissus number" refers to a 3-digit number whose cubic sum of each digit is equal to the number itself
For example, 153 is a narcissus number, because 153 = 13 + 53 + 33

The most concise writing, the original string search method:
static void DaffodilNum(int maxValue)
for (int i = 100; i

If AX = B has a solution, then it has a unique solution if and only if AX = 0
If AX = B has a solution, then it has a unique solution if and only if AX = 0——

Fill in: Zero Solution
Non homogeneous linear equations AX = B have solutions and unique solutions R (augmented matrix) = R (coefficient matrix) = n (number of unknowns)

A and B process a batch of parts at the same time. It is known that the work efficiency ratio of a and B is 5 to 6. When completing the task, a makes 150 more parts than B,

At the same time, efficiency ratio is the ratio of workload
= 1650

Solution equation: x + (- 2x) + 4x + (- 8x) = - 640


There are two warehouses of a and B. warehouse A has 40 tons more than warehouse B. after warehouse B has transported 14 tons, warehouse A is three times as much as warehouse B. how much inventory do warehouse A and B have now?

Fifth grade should have learned the unknown number "X". Simple equations can be set up
There are x tons of grain in warehouse A and (x-40) tons of grain in warehouse B
X = 81 (tons)
A warehouse has 81 tons of grain, B warehouse has 81 tons of grain - 40 tons = 41 tons
Or there are x tons of grain in Bin B and (x + 40) tons of grain in Bin a
X = 41 (ton)
A: Yilun has 41 tons, a warehouse has 41 tons + 40 tons = 81 tons

7x △ 3 = 8.19 test


Two out of seven minus two out of five
2 2
- - 2-2 / 7 minus 2 / 5
7 5


If Sn = 48, s2n = 60, then s3n=______ .

∵ sequence {an} is an equal ratio sequence, and its first n terms and Sn, s2n Sn, s3n-s2n also form an equal ratio sequence. ∵ (60-48) 2 = 48 × (s3n-60), the solution is s3n = 63, so the answer is 63