Using the collocation method to solve the equation x & # 178; + 2mx-n & # 178; = 0 Come down, please

Using the collocation method to solve the equation x & # 178; + 2mx-n & # 178; = 0 Come down, please

Using the collocation method to solve the equation x & # 178; + 2mx-n & # 178; = 0
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X & # 178; + 2mx-4 = 0 use the collocation method to solve the equation


5x = - 2x + 14

5x = - 2x + 14 shift
5x + 2x = 14 merge congeners

3 times of a number minus 2 equals the sum of a number and 4, find a number. (find the equation and then the equation) list the solution of the equation

Let this number be X

When the car passes through the highest point of the convex bridge at the speed of 72 km / h, it is centripetal force
When a car passes through the highest point of a convex bridge at a speed of 72 km / h, the pressure on the bridge deck is three fourths of the weight of the car. Then, when the pressure on the highest point of the bridge deck is exactly 0, what is the size of the car? Why can we bring the speed to V in the centripetal force formula instead of the speed?

mg-3mg/4=mV^2/R (1)
mg=mV'^2/R (2)



Party A and Party B go from place a to place B. Party A walks for 2 hours before Party B starts. As a result, Party B is 15 minutes late than Party A. the speed of Party A is 4 km, and that of Party B is 6 km. The distance between a and B is calculated

Suppose that the total time taken from a to B is 2 (hours) + X (hours), then the time taken by B is x (hours) + 1 / 4 (hours)
Because the two people walk the same distance, B 15 minutes to walk the distance of 1.5 kilometers, so
The solution is x = 3.25 (hours)
So the distance between the two places = 8 + 3.25 * 4 = 21 (km)
15 minutes = 1 / 4 hour
B takes 2-1 / 4 hours less than a to complete the whole journey
=21 km
A. B is 21 kilometers away

Given (a + b) 2 = 17, (a-b) 2 = 13, find the value of (1) A2 + B2; (2) ab

(1) ∵ (a + b) 2 = A2 + 2Ab + B2 = 17 (1), (a-b) 2 = a2-2ab + B2 = 13 (2); (1 + 2): 2 (A2 + B2) = 30, i.e. A2 + B2 = 15; (2) 1 - 2: 4AB = 4, i.e. AB = 1

        a^2-16a+64                             2.          4m^2+4m+1                                      
   3.        9a^2-24ab+16b^2                    4.          -m^2-m-1/4
   5.        x^2n-2x^n+1

1.(a - 8)^2 2.(2m + 1)^2 3.(3a - 4b)^2 4.-(m + 1/2)^2 5.(x^n - 1)^2

Xiaoqiao buys three kinds of fruits at 30 kg, which costs 700 Jiao. Among them, apples are 4 yuan per kg, oranges are 3 yuan per kg, pears are 2 yuan per kg. There are several different kinds of things to buy
Three kinds of fruit 30 kg, share to 700 Jiao, apple 4 yuan / kg, Orange 3 yuan / kg, pear 2 yuan / kg, three things to buy, there are several different ways to buy?

There are 4 kinds of them
1. 1kg apple, 8kg orange and 21kg pear;
2. Apple 2kg, orange 6kg, pear 22kg;
3. Apple 3 kg, orange 4 kg, pear 23 kg;
4. Apple 4 kg, orange 2 kg, pear 24 kg