Let a = the square of 2A + 3a-5 and B = the square of 2A + 2a-5

Let a = the square of 2A + 3a-5 and B = the square of 2A + 2a-5

When ab

What does he do?

what does he do?

How much is two jiao equal to?

2 yuan for 2 / 10 = 0.2 yuan

(- 2000 5 / 6) + (- 1999 2 / 3) + 4000 3 / 4 + (1 1 / 2)
Urgent, calculation!
The answers are different

(- 2000 5 / 6) + (- 1999 2 / 3) + 4000 3 / 4 + (1 1 / 2)
=[(- 2000 5 / 6) + (- 1999 2 / 3)] + [4000 3 / 4 + (1 1 / 2)]
=-4000 and 1 / 2 + 4002 and 1 / 4
=1 and 3 / 4

I can't remember English words

I can't remember English words

If the sum formula of the first n terms of a sequence is Sn = an & # 178; + BN + C, ABC is constant, then is the sequence an arithmetic sequence
Must it be

Conclusion: when C = 0, the sequence must be equal difference sequence; when C ≠ 0, the sequence must not be equal difference sequence
If asked in general, the answer is: it may or may not be an arithmetic sequence

Given xy = 6, then (2x + 3Y) &# 178; - (2x-3y) &# 178; =? The process of solving, the process or idea of off form calculation, thank you
Don't give direct answers

It is known that xy = 6
Then (2x + 3Y) &# 178; - (2x-3y) &# 178;
If you don't understand, I wish you a happy study!

The simple calculation of 5 / 6 minus 5 / 6 multiplied by 1 / 8 is very urgent`````


If three straight lines intersect at points a, B and C, how many pairs are there for vertex angle, apposition angle and internal stagger angle?
If n lines intersect at different points, how many pairs are there for vertex angle, apposition angle and internal stagger angle?

If three straight lines intersect at points a, B and C, there are six pairs of vertex angle, apposition angle and internal stagger angle
If n lines intersect at different points, there are 2n pairs for vertex angle, apposition angle and internal stagger angle

When the denominator in the limit tends to 0, how to find it?

Limit problem is very flexible. If the molecule approaches a constant that is not zero, then the final result is infinity! If the molecule is 0, then use the law of lobita and the equivalent infinitesimal to solve it!