Solving several factorizations 1:2X^2-7X-4 2:ax^2+(a+1)x=1 3:x^2-3x^2-4 Who will tell you,

Solving several factorizations 1:2X^2-7X-4 2:ax^2+(a+1)x=1 3:x^2-3x^2-4 Who will tell you,


Several factorization, solving
1. The square of a - the square of 4B + the square of 2A + C
2. 9x squared - 12x-5
3. If the square of 16x-2 (m-1) XY + 49y is a complete square, find M
4. If the square of a + 2Ab + 2B - 4B + 4 = 0, find the value of a and B

Let's be a & #178;; -4b & \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (m-1) = 56 or 2 (m-1) = - 56m-1 = 28 or M-1 = - 28

How to write November 29 in English

29 November
November29 (American style)

Expansion of function into power series
It is said in the book that a function is expanded into a power series at X. point. In this sentence, what is the important role of X. point and what is the implied meaning of X. point?
I hope it can be more detailed
I saw a sentence on a website: "usually the larger n is, or the closer x is to X. The smaller RN (x) is. What calculus deals with is the size change and the relationship among n [x-x0] [RN (x)] What is the relationship between them.

Let me explain. We usually use Taylor's formula to expand the function f (x) into a power series. We usually say to expand the function at x = x0, which first satisfies that the function has a definition in the field (x0, δ) and has a derivative f (x0) up to order n, so we can expand the function at x = x0 with Taylor's formula. Of course, if the above conditions are satisfied at x = 0, then we can expand the function at x = 0, This is the so-called Maclaurin's formula, which is a special case of Taylor's formula. Our commonly used power table of elementary functions is expanded at x = 0. OK, my calculus is almost over. Stop

We know that a times b equals 150! And a divided by 5 equals x divided by B! Find X!

Because B ≠ 0A / 5 = x / B, both sides multiply the same BX = AB / 5 = 150 / 5 = 30. If you mean AB = 150, that is to say, factorial A / 5 = x / b of 150! → if B is also factorial, x = a * B! / 5 = a * b * (B-1)! / 5 = 150! * (B-1)

F (x) is an odd function with period T, and the domain [- t, t] is defined. If f (T) = 0, then f (x) has several zeros on [- t, t]
Sit and wait for 30 minutes

(1) Because f (x) is an odd function and defined at x = 0, f (0) = 0
(2) Since t is a period, for any x on [- t, t], if f (x + T) = f (x), take x = - t / 2, then f (- t / 2 + T) = f (- t / 2),
That is, f (T / 2) = f (- / 2t),
(3) F (x) is an odd function, so f (- t / 2) + F (T / 2) = 0. Combined with the above f (T / 2) = f (- / 2t), f (T / 2) = f (- / 2t) = 0
(4) We know that f (T) = 0, so we get f (- t) = - f (T) = 0 from odd function
In conclusion, we know that f (x) has five zeros on [- t, t], which are x = - t, - t / 2,0, t / 2, t
Do you understand?

(1) What is the quotient of the sum of one and one-third and its reciprocal divided by the product of 8 and 1.25? (2) 40% of a number is 400% more than 36%. What is the number?
What's the formula

(4/3+3/4) / (8*1.25)
=(25/12) / 10

Given that the product of the polynomial ax ^ 2 + BX + 1 and 2x ^ 2-3x-1 does not contain x ^ 3 term or X term, find the value of a and B

The coefficient of x ^ 3 is a * (- 3) + b * 2 = - 3A + 2B
The coefficient of X is b * (- 1) + 1 * (- 3) = - B-3

Li Bai walks on the street, carries a pot to buy wine. When he meets a shop, he doubles it. When he sees a flower, he drinks a bucket. When he meets a shop and a flower three times, he drinks all the wine in the pot. How much wine is there in the pot?
(only the equations are listed, not the solutions)
This question is selected into the seventh grade volume I of mathematics people's education press
Chapter 3: one variable linear equation
3.1 from formula to equation
A wonderful problem of the equation of one variable and one degree in the first class
(on page 42 of the first volume of the seventh grade of mathematics PEP Edition)

First meet the shop, then meet the flower, suppose there was x Dou wine, then there was x Dou wine
X * 2-1 once in a while shop and flower
(x * 2-1) * 2-1 eryudian Hehua
[(x * 2-1) * 2-1] * 2-1 San Yu Dian He Hua (x = 0.875 Doujiu)

Given m + n = 10, find the value of M & # 178; - N & # 178; + 20n
