Is the square of the fourth power of X - 2x + 1 = (the square of X - 1) a decomposition factor

Is the square of the fourth power of X - 2x + 1 = (the square of X - 1) a decomposition factor

Incomplete, the factorization should be reduced to the simplest form

Calculation: given the X + 1 power of 3 times the x power of 2 - the x power of 3 times the 2x + 1 power = the square of 2 times the square of 3 (3 ^ x + 1 * 2 ^ x-3 ^ x * 2 ^ (x + 1)=
2 ^ 2 * 3 ^ 2 find the value of X

Here are some Swords - where is the anger?
Where do you get your food?
Pay careful attention to his diction and pronunciation
Lanterns, or in flight
A cool breeze
How can she be better than ha ha

Let a + B = 17, ab = 60, find the value of the second power of (a-b) and (a quadratic + B quadratic)


Simple calculation of 987 △ 988 and 1 / 986 + 999 and 1 / 997 * 997 / 998

988 1 / 986 = (988 * 986 + 1) / 986 = ((987 + 1) * (987-1) + 1) / 986 = 987 ^ 2 / 986
So the first part is 986 / 987
Similarly, 999 and 1 / 997 = 998 ^ 2 / 997
The latter part is 998

Words used to describe summer fruits: watermelon, banana, apple, litchi and pear

(delicious) watermelon, (curved) banana, (red) apple (sweet) Litchi (delicious) pear sorry, I'm at this level, the watchtower owner adopts

A + 2B = 0, find the value of a ^ 3 + 3A ^ 2 × B + 2Ab ^ 2

a^3+3a^2 × b+2ab^2

It is known that z is an imaginary number and 9 / 2 of Z + Z-2 is a real number. ① if Z-2 is a pure imaginary number, find the imaginary number Z; ② find the value range of lz-4l

If Z-2 is a pure imaginary number, let Z-2 = Bi, z = 2 + biz + Z-2, 9 = 2 + bi + 9 / (BI) = 2 + bi-9 / Bi = 2 + (B-9 / b) I be a real number, then B = 9 / BB = ± 3Z = 2 ± 3I, let z = x + Yi, y ≠ 0, Z + 9 / (Z-2) = x + Yi + 9 / (X-2 + Yi), y-9y / [(X-2) ^ 2 + y ^ 2] = 0, (X-2) ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 9, the value range of | Z-4 | is [1,5]

The fruit shop transported 84 baskets of fruits, of which apples accounted for 2 / 3 of the total baskets, oranges accounted for 1 / 4 of the apple baskets, and the rest were pears
What's the ratio of orange to pear
Step by step, why

Apples account for 2 / 3 of the total number of baskets, so the number of apples is 84 × 2 / 3 = 56 (baskets)
The number of orange baskets is one fourth of that of Apple baskets, so the number of orange baskets is 56 × 1 / 4 = 14 (baskets)
Pear is 84-56-14 = 14 (basket)
The ratio of orange to pear is 14:14 = 1:1
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In the 50 natural numbers of 1 &; 50, at least how many numbers must be taken to ensure that the sum of two numbers is equal to 51

1,2,…… 25,26…… 49,50
There are 50 numbers, 1 and 50 can make 51, 2 and 49 can make 51 And so on, until 26 and 25 make 51
If you take the 25 numbers from 26 to 50, you can make up 51 from any one of the remaining numbers
That is to say, at least 25 + 1 = 26

What is Ampere's loop law and what relationships does it reflect in a circuit?

I don't know whether you are asking about high school physics or university physics. For example, if you are in high school, you can explain that the current of all main roads in the whole loop is equal everywhere. If you are in university physics, it involves electromagnetism. It's not very easy to explain. You can go to university physics to have a look. In fact, you can see it, With words or with high school is no difference, but can calculate the amount is a little more