The common factor of the square of x minus 4, the square of x minus x minus 2

The common factor of the square of x minus 4, the square of x minus x minus 2

Common factor X-2

(x + y) (X-Y) - (x + y) & how to refer to the common factor


How to find the greatest common divisor by short division

Short division is to write the prime factor shared by two numbers where the divisor is written in division, then drop the quotient of the two numbers divided by the common prime factor, and then divide them, and so on, until the result is coprime;
When using short division to calculate multiple numbers, the factors of any two numbers should be calculated, and the other numbers without this factor should be left as is until the remaining two are coprime relations;
The greatest common divisor multiplies one side, and the least common multiple multiplies half

Can X be equal to y in a quadratic equation of two variables


Given that a and B are rational numbers which are not equal to 0, how many values of a / A / + B / are there

-2,0,2 have three

Xiaohong has 30 chickens and 10 ducks. How many times is the number of chickens? How many times is the number of ducks?

Xiaohong has 30 chickens and 10 ducks. The number of chickens is three times that of ducks, and the number of ducks is one third of that of chickens

Let x > 0.5, when x is, what is the minimum value of the function y = x + 8 / (2x-1)

y=x+8/(2x-1) =x-0.5+4/(x-0.5)+0.5=t+1/t+0.5>=2.5 t>0
When t = 1, y = 2.5 is the minimum, then t = x-0.5 = 1, x = 1.5

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Sequence 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21 What is the general term formula of?
I haven't worked it out for a long time

General term formula a (n) = 1 + 2 +... + n = {(1 + 2 +... + n) + [n + (n-1) +... + 1]} / 2

The diameter of a hair is about 8.2 microns

One micron equals one times ten minus six meters, and one nanometer equals one times ten minus nine meters