Composition materials of discovering truth in life Tip: in real life, we often hear, see or experience things like this: parents ignore their children's talents and interests, and force their children to learn this instrument and cultivate their special skills by using both soft and hard methods; sometimes we only see the good side of a thing, Sometimes we do things against our wishes; sometimes we look down on someone because of his or her shortcomings Best answer tonight!

Composition materials of discovering truth in life Tip: in real life, we often hear, see or experience things like this: parents ignore their children's talents and interests, and force their children to learn this instrument and cultivate their special skills by using both soft and hard methods; sometimes we only see the good side of a thing, Sometimes we do things against our wishes; sometimes we look down on someone because of his or her shortcomings Best answer tonight!

Life is a rainbow, it creates happiness, anger, sadness, joy, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy; life is a brush, it depicts the unforgettable pictures in life; life is a teacher, it tells people the truth through small things, life is still
Recently, due to too much fun, I seldom review my lessons when I go home, and my academic performance plummeted. My mother didn't say anything after seeing the test paper of unit 3. I think it's very strange that this is not my mother's usual style
In the afternoon, my mother suggested that we go to have coffee together, and I happily agreed. When we came to the cafe, we found a window seat and sat down. The afternoon sun was shining on us through the glass, warm and very comfortable
I poured a small cup of coffee and slowly delivered it to the mouth. The coffee was astringent and a little hot, but after drinking it, it was sweet, so authentic and so refreshing. What's the matter? When I was thinking, my mother said, "do you taste anything?"
I thought about it and said, "you have to taste the bitterness before you can drink the sweetness. Then..." "Right!" my mother interrupted me. "In fact, life is like tasting coffee. It's bitter before it's sweet. Do you know why grades have dropped recently?"
"I know, mom, I don't have to suffer. I'm too fond of playing!" my mother said to me earnestly, "child, you have to be able to suffer! As the saying goes," if you eat bitterly, you'll be a master. "Now you're suffering for the sake of the sweetness in the future." "if you eat bitterly, you'll be a master. Now you're suffering for the sake of the sweetness in the future." my mother's words echoed in my ears for a long time
After the event, I carefully tasted this saying. In fact, suffering is also a kind of enjoyment. Just like a caterpillar, it has to wrap itself in cocoon and go through a long winter's waiting to break the cocoon and become a butterfly and dance. If I don't study hard and waste my time now, then I will accomplish nothing when I grow up. At that time, I will certainly sigh "young people don't work hard, old people are sad"

What is the conversion between one kilowatt hour and one kilowatt hour?
One kilowatt hour is not equal to one kilowatt hour! That's for sure. To be specific, if there is a kilowatt electrical appliance working for one hour, how much is the power converted into degrees?

1 kwh = 1 kWh
That's the definition
It's about 1 kilowatt of electricity for an hour, and the electricity consumption is 1 degree
Degrees are units of energy, corresponding to joules, and watts are units of power
One degree is equal to one thousand watt hours, that is, one thousand watt per hour. That is to say, if there is a water heater with one kilowatt power, it consumes one degree of electric energy for one hour

For example, I was confused by my classmates about how to express 10cm with m in scientific notation! Is there any difference between 1 × 10 & # 175; &# 178; and 10 × 10 & # 175; &# 178; and 10 & # 175; &# 178?


The work done by the current on a certain circuit is directly proportional to the square of the voltage at both ends of the circuit, inversely proportional to the resistance of the circuit, and inversely proportional to the power on time, right

The factors that determine the electric work are u, R and time T. when the resistance is constant, the electric work is directly proportional to the voltage and time. When the voltage is constant, the electric work is inversely proportional to the resistance and time!

A rope is 27m long, cut off 1 / 3 and connected with 1 / 3M. This is the length of the rope () M


What is the symbol of specific heat capacity? What is the unit?

The unit is J / (kg · K) or J / (kg ·℃), and the symbol is C

If two objects with mass M1 and M2 are connected by a string and are lifted up vertically under the action of force F, the tensile force on the string between the two objects is?

For the overall analysis, f = f-m1g-m2g = (M1 + m2) a = (f-m1g-m2g) / (M1 + m2) for the bottom object analysis (no graph, I assume M1 below) f = f rope - m1g = M1 * a, f rope = M1 * a + m1g = (f-m1g-m2g) / (M1 + m2) + m1g

Connect a bulb marked "220 V, 100 W" to the 110 V power supply. (1) what is the resistance of the bulb? (2) What is the actual power consumption of the bulb?

(1) According to P = u2r, the resistance of the bulb: r = u2p = (220V) 2100W = 484 Ω; (2) the actual power consumption of the bulb connected to the 110V circuit: P = u, 2R = (110V) 2484 Ω = 25W. Answer: (1) the resistance of the bulb is 484 Ω; (2) the actual power consumption of the bulb is 25W

A metal ball weighs 14.7 in air and 4.9 in water. Given the density of the metal ball is 210, is the ball hollow or solid? If it is hollow, what is the volume of the hollow part?

14.7-4.9 = 9.8, that is, buoyancy. According to the formula, the volume of discharged water can be calculated as 1, that is, the volume of metal ball! While the volume of metal with mass of 14.7 is 0.07 (density formula), so the volume of hollow is 1-0.07 = 0.93

The longest side of an isosceles right triangle is 10 cm. What is the area of the triangle/

The height on the right angle side is 5, and the area is 10 * 5 / 2 = 25
I can see it in the picture