Factorization of 0.16A ^ 2-12 / 25ab + 9 / 25B ^ 2

Factorization of 0.16A ^ 2-12 / 25ab + 9 / 25B ^ 2


Add 60% of 45 to a number and you get 57. What's 80% of this number

Let this number be X
Then x + 45 × 60% = 57
A: the number is 24

How many centimeters is an inch?

1 foot foot = 12 inches = 0.3048 meters 1 inch = 25.4 millimeters mm other nonsense, the following three are often used, by the way: 1 gallon garland = 4 quarts quarts = 4.546 liters (usually used for refueling) 1 ounce ounces

Qiqi read an 80 page story book. On the first day, he read 1 / 5 of the whole book. On the second day, he read 4 more pages than on the first day. On the second day, he read a few parts of the whole book

Answer: 1 / 4
Methods: the first day of reading: 80 * 1 / 5 = 16
The second day is 16 + 4 = 20
The answer is a quarter


Boss, that's simplification, but what do you want to do?

A car and a big truck are driving from city a to city B. the big truck runs 50 kilometers per hour, and the car is later than the big truck
In 2 hours, two cars arrive at city B at the same time. It is known that city a and city B are 400 kilometers apart. What is the speed of the car

Big trucks arrive in 8 hours, 400 / 50 = 8 hours
8-2 = 6 hours 400 / 6 = 66.66 kilometers the speed of a car is 66.66 kilometers per hour

If the circumference of an isosceles right triangle is 16cm and the height of its bottom is 4cm, then the side length of the isosceles triangle is 4cm
I know the answer is 6cm, but how,

The length of the bottom edge is 6. We should use the Pythagorean theorem
If the waist length is a, the base is 16-2a,

From a to B, it takes 10 hours for car a and 15 hours for car B. if car a and car B leave at the same time, what is the distance between a and B?

Meeting time: 1 △ 110 + 115, = 1 △ 16, = 6 (hours); when meeting, car a runs the AB journey: 6 × 110 = 35; answer: when meeting, car a runs the AB journey: 35

If the rational numbers a and B satisfy | 3a-1 | + | B-5 / 3 | = 0, find the opposite number of a + B

A + B = 2; opposite number = - 2;

The message of Shenzhou is short

Shenzhou-7 carrier rocket has been developed and is scheduled to be launched in 2008. At that time, Shenzhou-7 will focus on breaking through the technology of astronaut extravehicular activities (spacewalk)
Originally scheduled to launch in 2007, but due to technical problems of the components were delayed half a year, planned to launch in 2008
The launch vehicle of Shenzhou-7 is still the long march-2f carrier rocket, which has successfully launched six Shenzhou spaceships into space and has a mature technical foundation. At present, the procurement and production of components for a new carrier rocket have begun, This time, they will use higher quality components. In view of the flight conditions of the previous rockets, the researchers will also make partial improvements on this rocket to further improve the reliability of the rocket. In addition, they will also consider adding some cameras on the rocket to make the working state of the rocket more intuitive
Starting from Shenzhou-7, China has entered the second phase of the manned space project. In this phase, scientific goals such as astronauts' walk out of the capsule and space rendezvous and docking will be achieved one after another. All the launching tasks of the second phase of the project will be undertaken by the long march-2f rocket. Jing muchun said that during the 11th Five Year Plan period, they will basically complete the second phase of the manned space project and finally complete the manned rendezvous and docking, Five or six more rockets are expected to launch
Different from Shenzhou 5 and Shenzhou 6, the key points in the development of Shenzhou 7 rocket are the spacesuit and the valve. Because Shenzhou 7 will realize the spacewalk, the valve and the spacesuit play an important role in whether the astronauts can suddenly adapt to the vacuum environment from the cabin air pressure
"At present, the other parts of Shenzhou-7 are almost the same. Only the spacesuit has to be tackled. The progress of spacesuit research determines the progress of Shenzhou-7," Huang added. "However, China is fully capable of solving the problem."
In order to adapt to the vacuum environment, Shenzhou-7 has been greatly improved over Shenzhou-6 in terms of air tightness, communication, excretion, communication, power supply and movable joints
There will be three astronauts on Shenzhou-7, one to walk out of the capsule, one to meet in the orbital module, and one to stay in the return module. The activities will include walking, operating, screwing and other installation equipment, so as to prepare for the establishment of a space station in the future
According to the four major scientific objectives of China's lunar exploration satellite project, Chang'e-1 has 6 sets of 24 payloads, including CCD stereo camera, laser altimeter, imaging spectrometer, gamma / X-ray spectrometer, microwave detector and solar wind particle detector, It is used for the first time in China; the imaging spectrometer is used to obtain the light spectrum of the lunar surface; the gamma / X-ray spectrometer is used to detect the elements on the lunar surface; the microwave detector is used to obtain not only the thickness information of the lunar soil, but also the brightness temperature map of the back of the moon and the information of the two polar surfaces of the moon
China will carry out the Shenzhou-7 manned space mission in the second half of this year. At present, all preparations are proceeding as planned, Firstly, the number of astronauts will be increased to three; secondly, the first spacewalk of Chinese astronauts will be realized; thirdly, after the spacecraft enters the predetermined orbit, it will choose the opportunity to release a companion satellite (hereinafter referred to as "companion satellite"), and so on
What can "companion star" do? According to Ta Kung Pao, the mission of this "companion star" is to use CCD stereo camera to take a close-up picture of Shenqi in orbit. At that time, we will get the first three-dimensional exterior photo of China's spacecraft in orbit, which takes space as the background to show the unique scene of Shenqi's high-speed operation, It will become a permanent historical witness of the flying of the Chinese nation
Is "Shenqi" just bringing a machine "photographer" into space? Hehe, of course not!
Before that, China has successfully launched several small satellites, and the technology of small satellites has reached maturity
First of all, there are changes in the means of launching small satellites. In the past, China's small satellites were launched into orbit by carrier rockets. This time, the small satellites are placed in the front of the "Shenqi" orbital module. When the spacecraft enters the predetermined orbit, it can either eject the spacecraft automatically according to the instructions or release it manually by astronauts. The way of launching is more flexible, "Optional" release is to release when you need to
Secondly, "companion" can be used as a reconnaissance satellite. Hong Kong media revealed that this "companion" carried by "Shenqi" is equipped with a CCD stereo camera similar to "Chang'e-1", which can take high-definition images of the earth's surface. The "companion" is released into orbit by "Shenqi" to take photos of the interested earth's surface for reconnaissance
Third, "companion star" can become a very terrible space weapon. It can be released by the spaceship to attack the enemy's space targets. It is also the most effective and loyal "bodyguard" of our spaceship. When the enemy attacks our spaceship, our spaceship can release "companion star" in good time and destroy the enemy's attack weapons with the weapons it carries