7744 calculation 24 input expression 7744 is 24 How can we finish The title is like this 7744 input expression

7744 calculation 24 input expression 7744 is 24 How can we finish The title is like this 7744 input expression


How many centimeters is 24 inches?

Inch can be divided into inch and market inch. This problem: 1 inch = 2.54 cm, 1 market inch = 1.3333.cm

A chord ab of parabola y square = 8x passes through point Q (4,1) and is bisected by point Q. the linear equation of AB is obtained

Let a (x1, Y1). B (x1, Y2)
By subtracting the two formulas: (Y1 + Y2) (y1-y2) = 8 (x1-x2)
And Y1 + y2 = 2 * 1 = 2
So the slope of AB is k = (y1-y2) / (x1-x2) = 8 / 2 = 4
So the equation of AB is Y-1 = 4 (x-4)
That is: y = 4x-15

The temperature of the conductor determines the resistance of the conductor. Generally, the higher the temperature, the greater the resistance, right?

The resistance of a conductor is related to temperature. The resistance of a pure metal increases with the increase of temperature. When the temperature increases by 1 ℃, the resistance increases by several thousandths. The resistance of carbon and insulator decreases with the increase of temperature, The resistance of some alloys such as constantan and manganin has little to do with the change of temperature. The changes of resistance with temperature are very useful. Resistance thermometers can be made by using the relationship between resistance and temperature. Platinum resistance thermometers can measure the temperature from - 263 ℃ to 1000 ℃, Semiconductor germanium thermometers can measure very low temperatures. Constantan and manganin are good materials for making standard resistors
For example: the filament of an electric light bulb is made of tungsten filament. How much greater is the resistance of the filament when it normally emits light than that at room temperature?
The resistance of tungsten increases with the increase of temperature. When the temperature increases by 1 ℃, the resistance increases by about five thousandths. When the filament lights up, the temperature is about 2000 ℃, so the resistance increases by about 10 times. When the filament lights up, the resistance is much larger than that when it doesn't light up. When the circuit is just turned on, the filament resistance is small and the current is large, so the electrical equipment is easy to be damaged at this moment

The solution of X & # 178; - 9 = 0 is a process

Using direct leveling method
X = 3, or x = - 3

(AB + A + B + 1) (AB + AC + BC + C squared) > = 16abc, we know that ABC is a positive integer,
It's to prove that > = 16abc holds


A = 2 to the power of 1.2, B = 1 / 2 to the power of - 0.8, C = 2 times the logarithm of 5 as the base 2

(B is equal to 0.8 power of 2, a is 1.2 power of 2, the exponential function with base greater than 1 is an increasing function and greater than 1 on the right half axis, so a > b > 1. C is equivalent to the logarithm of 4 with base 5 less than 1, so a > b > C)

What is the total power consumption of the electric light and electric iron after the appliance repairman connects the "220V 15W" incandescent lamp and the "220V 1000W" electric iron in series into the 220V circuit? According to the calculation results, this paper explains why the appliance repairman does this

The resistance of incandescent lamp is R1 = 220 * 220 / 15 = 3226.7 Ω
Resistance of electric iron: R2 = 220 * 220 / 1000 = 48.4 Ω
U1: U2 = R1: R2 = P2: P1 = 66.7:1
Therefore, the power at both ends of the incandescent lamp is: P11 = {220 * (66.7 / 67.7)} & sup2 / R1 = 46980.7w
The power of electric iron is: P22 = = {220 * (1 / 67.7)} & sup2 / / r2 = 0.22w

Great Xia, Xiake, Meimei and beauties, please help me to have a look. I will write as many answers as I can in two days, please
1. Anyone who has read "if you give me three days of light" will be convinced by Helen Keller's strong will. He is a strong man in life. What other stories do you know about the strong man? Write down your understanding. (don't write too many, within 100 words, over 50 words)
2. Make up a modern version of a fairy tale. (don't write it all down, just give me a hint, or I'll write the main content of the story myself.)
3. Help Mars write a self introduction. (don't write too much, within 80 words, above 40 words)
4. What's the Internet like in your eyes? Is it good or bad? Please write it down
5. Li Bai came to the roast duck restaurant. His saliva ran down 3000 feet and he felt that he had no money in his pocket
6. Water in life is different in form. Add appropriate modifiers to "water" below
() rainwater () boiled water () sea water () lake water () stream water () river water ())
() of ()
Which kind of water do you like best? What does it look like_____________________________________________________________
There is no need to answer questions 4 and 5. How many questions can I answer? Come on, this afternoon!

I fainted
Are you still a fifth grader
I'm going to the sixth grade and I'm so stupid
I can tell you the answer
You remember
Next time
Such a simple question
You can't rely on the Internet
3. Help Mars write a self introduction
Hello everyone, my name is Mars. I'm different from other planets. I'm very strange. You must have never seen me. My language is totally different from other planets, and my font is also different from other planets. I've modified the habits, customs and traditions of all planets. Therefore, I think I'm the greatest in the universe. I love myself forever,
6. Water in life is different in form. Add appropriate modifiers to "water" below
(crystal) rain
Boiling water
Salt water
The lake water
Clear stream
River water
(beautiful) (Butterfly)
(clear) of (a lake)
I can only help you answer these two questions. You are so stupid. We are all fifth graders

A light bulb L is marked with "6V 12W". A DC motor M has a coil resistance of 2 Ω. When the motor is in normal operation, the light bulb will also light normally. When the motor is in series with L and m, the actual power of the light bulb is three fourths of the rated power when the motor is in normal operation. Calculate the power converted into mechanical energy when the motor is in normal operation (assuming that the resistance of the light bulb remains unchanged)
The standard answer is to connect L and m in parallel. When the motor works normally, the bulb will also light up normally. The rated voltage of motor M is un = 6V
When l and m are connected in series, when the motor works normally, the actual power of the bulb is three fourths of the rated power --- P bulb = I ^ 2R = (3 / 4) * 12 = 9 -- > I = 3 ^ (1 / 2) a -- > motor M rated current in = 3 ^ (1 / 2) a
The power converted into mechanical energy when the motor works normally P = apparent power UIN heating power I ^ 2R = 6 * 3 ^ (1 / 2) - 3 * 2 = 6 (3 ^ (1 / 2) - 1) = 4.39w
My question: when l and m are in parallel, u = 6V, the current flowing through the bulb is 2a, the resistance of the bulb is U / I = 3 Ω, and the resistance of the coil is 2 Ω, so the current flowing through the motor is 3a, so the total power of the motor is p = IU = 3x6 = 18W. Why can't we calculate the current in this way?

This is because the motor is not a pure resistance device, most of its power is converted into mechanical energy when it works, rather than simply used for heating. Therefore, its resistance R can not be calculated by the pure resistance formula r = u / I, conversely, the current I can not be calculated by U / R