

The result of the transfer is as follows:

The following equation (1) x ^ 2-25 = 0. (2) 5A ^ 2 = 4A. (3) & # 188; y ^ 2-y + 1 = 0. (4) x ^ 2-8x + 6 = 0

Ψ x = 5 or x = - 5
Or a = 4 / 5
Or x = 2

There are 440 science and technology books in the library. Literature and art books are 20% less than science and technology books, and story books are 5% more than science and technology books. How many literature and art books and story books are there in the library?

There are 440 literature and art books (1-20%) = 352
There are 440 story books (1 + 5%) = 462

A. The distance between B and a is 450 km. A and B start from a and B at the same time and run in opposite directions. It is known that the speed of a is 120 km / h and that of B is 80 km / h. After t hours, the distance between two vehicles is 50 km, then the value of T is ()
A. 2 or 2.5B. 2 or 10C. 10 or 12.5d. 2 or 12.5

(1) When car a and car B do not meet, according to the meaning of the question, we get 120t + 80t = 450-50, and the solution is t = 2; (2) when the two cars meet and the distance between them is 50km, according to the meaning of the question, we get 120t + 80t = 450 + 50, and the solution is t = 2.5

How long does it take you to walk to school
______ ______ does it _____ you _____ _______ to school.
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( How long )does it ( take ) you ( to walk ) to school ?
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On September 12, 1516, French king Francois I held a grand birthday party at the summer palace. In the aftertaste program, 24 girls in beautiful costumes played cello, Viola and other musical instruments side by side under the big tent of rockery, which charmed the gentlemen and ladies present at that time, especially one of them who played Viola was graceful and skillful, The Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci was deeply moved. He immediately invited the girl to his side, hoping that she could be a model at home, because he wanted to draw a painting with the theme of "music" and hang it in the court of the French king
But the girl couldn't leave Paris to take care of her sick brother, so she declined the request. Her brother's name was Peter, the son of a famous string instrument manufacturer in the town of mandova. He not only inherited his ancestral skills, but also was good at making string instruments. At first, he thought that Paris was the capital of the world, and there must be people with deep insight who could appreciate the instruments he made, So he came to Paris. Unexpectedly, Paris celebrities love vanity, like Italian musical instruments, and despise his elaborate works. He fell ill in the slum because of frustration and poverty
After listening to the girl's narration, Da Vinci was deeply moved and decided to help her
One day, Da Vinci came to the slums of Paris to pay a special visit to them. Peter was very moved. He said that if he could make a new instrument with only four strings, it would make a more perfect sound than if he used the violin first. He also took out the design drawings to explain in detail
In order to encourage him to complete the production of this new instrument, Da Vinci decided to buy him and paid a deposit before he went back. Peter was sick and rushed to work day and night. On the appointed day, Da Vinci came again. When he saw that the instrument had been finished, he was too tired to speak. His sister Katherine pulled the song he wrote. Da Vinci listened to it, only feeling that the melody was sometimes like spring breeze, Sometimes it's like a river, sometimes it's like a fairy dancing, sometimes it's like a hundred birds singing. Leonardo da Vinci has never heard such wonderful and moving music, and he can't help but burst into tears
Just at the end of the music, a loud note came out, and the string broke suddenly. Everyone was shocked. Look at Peter, the soul of this young and promising artist, who died with the broken string
He left his first violin immortal
2. How was the first violin born
3. From the text, you can see what kind of person the famous painter Da Vinci is?
4. Observe the features of the lines drawn in the text and imitate them. (Leonardo da Vinci listened attentively, only feeling that sometimes the melody was like spring breeze, sometimes the river was running, sometimes the fairy was flying, sometimes the birds were singing.)
Who do you prefer to be the protagonist of this article between Leonardo da Vinci and Peter? Why?

With the help of Leonardo da Vinci, Peter rushed to work all night
From the text, I can see that the famous painter Da Vinci is a person who cherishes talents, sympathizes with and respects the poor
Beethoven plays the Noctiluca, sometimes the music is like the breeze, sometimes the sea waves, sometimes the Nightingale like song, sometimes the moon light
Da Vinci, because the center of the text is to highlight the spiritual quality of Da Vinci

Find out the greatest common factor of 12 and 16, 25 and 50, 15 and 20, 30 and 45, and the least common multiple of 14 and 28, 12 and 15, 20 and 25, 16 and 18
Using short division

The greatest common factors of 12 and 16, 25 and 50, 15 and 20, 30 and 45 are 4,25,5,15 respectively; the least common multiple of 14 and 28, 12 and 15, 20 and 25, 16 and 18 are 28,60100144 respectively

The solution ratio is 0.6: x = 1:40, 1 / 50:5 = x: 80.4: x = 12:0.3

50:1 / 5 = x: 8
1 / 5 x = 50 × 8
1 / 5 x = 400

Given that a and B are rational numbers, and √ 2 (a + 1) = B (√ 2 - 1) + 3, then what is a + B equal to?

After finishing, the above formula √ 2 (a + 1-B) + B-3 = 0
Because a and B are reasonable
So B = 3, a = 2

If the sequence {an} is known to be both arithmetic and proportional, then the sum of the first n terms of the sequence is ()
A. 0B. nC. na1D. a1n

If the sequence {an} is both an arithmetic sequence and a proportional sequence, then the sequence is a non-zero constant sequence, that is, A1 = A2 = A3 = An, then the sum of the first n terms of the sequence is a1 + A2 + a3 + +An = Na1, so C