If the visual picture of a plane quadrilateral is a square with side length a, the area of the original plane quadrilateral is equal to___ .

If the visual picture of a plane quadrilateral is a square with side length a, the area of the original plane quadrilateral is equal to___ .

According to the rule of oblique dichotomy in drawing the visual graph of plane graph, the relationship between the area s of a plane graph and the area s' of its visual graph is s' = 24s. The area of the visual graph in this question is A2, so the area of the original plane quadrilateral is equal to a224 = 22a2

Translate the word into English
Absolute Christmas
This is a proper term My English is too poor=
For translation, it has some special meanings
"The real Christmas is not a party full of people, not a hysterical carnival, but a barefoot, the floor, sitting opposite each other and smiling at each other's carefully prepared gifts
The real Christmas is not the color scheme of shopping malls full of red and green, not the Christmas dinner full of delicious food, but the satisfied face with your smile under the soft lighting
And the above, are not absolute absolute
We all think that everyone has his own Christmas, his record of Christmas, his thoughts of Christmas, only their own identity, is the absolute Christmas“
I want to check the word "absolute Christmas"!!!!!!!!!! The following is just an explanation for him!!!!!!!

(1) Given that point C is on line AB, AC = 6cm, BC = 14cm, and points m n are the midpoint of AC BC respectively, the length of line Mn is calculated
2) In (1), if AC = ACM, BC = BCM and other conditions remain unchanged, can you guess the length of Mn? Please use an algebraic expression to express the result you find and explain the reason
(3) If the description in question (1) is: "given the line AC = 6cm, BC = 14cm, point C is on the line AB, point C is on the line AB, and points m and N are the midpoint of AC and BC respectively, find the length of line Mn." will the result change? If so, find the result

(3) When point C is to the left of point a
When point C is between a and B
When point C is to the right of point B, AC > BC, but AC = 6cm

Several English conjunctions make sentences,
Last, in, the scord, the minute, of, game (.) 2. The, of, use, doubt, is, drugs, the, against, law (.) 3. Please, the turn, radio, Grandpa, a, bit, up, so, that, can, clearly, hear (.) 4. Never, I, a, chance, relax, get, to, days, these (.) 5

The use of the drugs is against the law

The sum of the numerator and denominator of a simplest fraction is 55. If the numerator and denominator are all added with 5, the new fraction will be reduced to 2 / 3 and the original fraction will be 2 / 3

The sum of numerator and denominator is 55. If both numerator and denominator are added with 5, the sum of numerator and denominator of new fraction is 55 + 5 + 5 = 65
The new score is 2 / 3,
That is, the denominator of the new fraction is 65 × 3 (3 + 2) = 39
The molecule is 65-39 = 26
Then the denominator of the original fraction is 39-5 = 34,
The molecule of the original fraction is 36-5 = 21
So the original score was 21 / 34

Is the predicate after the poor worker singular or plural?

the poor worker
The poor worker
The following predicate is singular

It is known that vector a = (- 1, y) vector b = (1, - 3) and satisfies (2a + b) ⊥ B
1. Find the coordinates of vector a
2. Find the angle between vectors a and B


Choose words, fill in the blanks, write words, phrases (English)
1、 Fill in the blanks with "(a) little, (a) fee, some, any, either, neither, or, nor"
1.I don't like him.He often talks a lot but does ____
2.The weather should be ____ too cold ____ too hot to plant trees.
3.____ biking ____ skiing will be OK.I just need exercise.
2、 Write the corresponding words or phrases according to the definition
1.as much or as many as sb.needs or wants.…… (____)
2.fight with words;to disagree in words.…… (____)
3.first;of a new type.…… (____)
4.have something or somebody as one of a group.…… (____)
5.a set of rooms rented for living in.…… (____)
3、 Write the present participle and past tense of hit, ring

1、 1. Little
2.neither nor
3.Either or
2、 As many as
In words
First of all
One of them
Live in / live in a set of
3、 Hitting / hitted / hitted

As shown in the figure, in the triangle ABC, the angle c = 90 degrees, the point G is the center of gravity of the triangle ABC, and Ag is perpendicular to CG (1) to prove that the triangle CAG is similar to the triangle ABC (2) to find AC: ab

The center of gravity is the intersection of the three midlines
Let CG intersect AB with E, because G is the center of gravity of triangle ABC,
So CE is the center line on the hypotenuse ab,
So CE = AE = be
So angle BAC = angle ace
Because angle ACB = angle AGC = 90 degrees
So triangle CGA is similar to triangle ABC

The plural of Fox

Add es at the end of x.ch.etc