One sixth, one-half, three-thirds, find the law

One sixth, one-half, three-thirds, find the law

One sixth, one-half, three-thirds, [nine-thirds]
Take three every time

Find the law, one sixth, one third, one half, five sixths, (), ()
What should I fill in after

One sixth, one third, one half, five sixths, (Four Thirds), (thirteen twelfth)

One half, one sixth, one twelfth, one twentieth
(1) The ninth number is (), and the fourteenth number is ()
(2) If n is an integer greater than 1, write the nth number according to the above rule
The process of solving the problem is more detailed and easy to understand

1 / 2 = 1 / (1 * 2), - 1 / 6 = - 1 / (2 * 3), 1 / 12 = 1 / (3 * 4), - 1 / 20 = - 1 / (4 * 5),..., so the ninth number is 1 / (9 * 10) = 1 / 90, the fourteenth number is - 1 / (14 * 15) = - 1 / 210. The nth number is: if n is odd, then 1 / (n * (n + 1)); if n is even, then - 1 / (n * (n + 1))

Why can an electric energy meter measure the electric power of a household appliance? Is electric power equal to electric energy

The electric power of a household appliance measured by an electric energy meter is measured indirectly, not directly. Supplementary knowledge: measuring the electric power of a household appliance: Principle: P = w / T equipment: electric energy meter, stopwatch; problems that should be noted: when measuring the power of a household appliance with an electric energy meter, all appliances except the one being measured must be turned off

The second radical ratio of grade nine
√ 13 + √ 3 and √ 11 + √ 5
I haven't learned how to compare the addition and subtraction of quadratic radical

So (√ 13 + 3) & sup2;

&When Xiaoming's electricity meter is marked with the word "1200R / kWh", when his family only has a TV set working, and the turntable rotates 120 times in 50 minutes, then (1) how much electricity is consumed by the TV set? (2) how much power is the TV set? & nbsp; 2 when the bulb marked with the word "220V 100W" is connected to the home circuit and works normally, What is the current through the filament? What is the resistance of the filament? How much kwh does the lamp consume when it works normally for 40 hours

1. 1200R / kW · h means to turn 1200 circles to walk 1kW · h, then 120 circles is 120 / 1200 = 1 / 10 = 0.1 (kW · h) 50 minutes = 50 / 60 hours = 5 / 6 (H) the power of TV set P = w / T = (1 / 10) / (5 / 6) = 0.12 (kw) = 120 (W) (1) the power of TV set consumes 0.1kw · h; (2) the power of TV set is 120

Decomposition factor: &# 188; (a + b) &# 178; + A + B + 1,2x & # 178; + 2x + &# 189;, 2 (x + 2) &# 178; - 12 (x + 2) + 18,

1. The original formula of the original formula for the purpose of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\3535;178; - 6 (x +

Which metal element and non-metal element have a relative atomic weight ratio of 2 to 1, and their combined mass ratio is 2 to 3. Find this chemical formula


18.6 * 0.75-0.75 * 8.6 simple calculation, formula

=0.75*(18.6 -8.6)

Why is the work done by Ampere force equal to the electrical power consumed by the resistance in the circuit

Because the ampere force F = bil, and the ampere force work power P = FV = Bilv
In addition, the induced electromotive force E = BLV caused by the motion of the conductor bar in the closed circuit
So the power consumed by the closed circuit resistor p '= EI = Bilv
In fact, from the perspective of energy conservation, all the work done by Ampere force is converted into electrical energy. In a closed circuit, the current generates heat through resistance to do work. In other words, all the work done by Ampere force is converted into internal energy. Then the power of Ampere force should be equal to the power consumed by resistance