If the value of the quadratic polynomial - 3x2 + MX + NX2 - x + 3 about the letter X has nothing to do with X, find the value of M + n

If the value of the quadratic polynomial - 3x2 + MX + NX2 - x + 3 about the letter X has nothing to do with X, find the value of M + n

According to the meaning of the title, n-3 = 0, M-1 = 0, M = 1, n = 3, so m + n = 1 + 3 = 4

The sixth grade fraction multiplication unit application question
The length of a pine tree is between 20 cm and 28 cm. How long is the shortest tail? How long is the longest tail?
Its tail accounts for three-quarters of its length

Minimum: 20 x 3 / 4 = 15 (CM)
Maximum length: 28 x 3 / 4 = 21 (CM)

The special solution form of the differential equation y "+ y = x ^ 2 + 1 + SiNx

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F (x) is an increasing function defined on R, and for any x ∈ [0,1], the inequality f (KX)

Because f (x) is an increasing function defined on R
So f (KX)

Calculate (x ^ 3 + 27) / (x + 3) with vertical formula,

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LIM (x approaches 0) (x-arcsinx) / ln (1 × x ^ 3) =

What does the coordinate of the point on the image of the linear function y = 3 / 4x-2 satisfy the bivariate linear equation,
The image composed of all the points whose coordinates are the solution of the quadratic equation 3x-4y = 8 is the image of a linear function

What does the coordinate of the point on the image of the linear function y = 3 / 4x-2 satisfy the bivariate linear equation,
Bivariate linear equation: 3x-4y-8 = 0
The image composed of all the points whose coordinates are the solution of the quadratic equation 3x-4y = 8 is the image of a linear function

If the sum of the first four terms of the arithmetic sequence {an} is 40, the sum of the last four terms is 80, and the sum of all terms is 210, then the number of terms n is ()
A. 12B. 14C. 15D. 16

According to the meaning of the title, a1 + A2 + a3 + A4 = 40, ① an + an-1 + An-2 + an-3 = 80, ② from the nature of the arithmetic sequence, we can know that ① + ② can be obtained, 4 (a1 + an) = 120 {(a1 + an) = 30 can be obtained from the first n terms and formula of the arithmetic sequence, Sn = n (a1 + an) 2 = & nbsp; 15N = 210, so n = 14, so B is selected

Is the limit of a function at x0 the same as the derivative at x0?

It's not the same
The derivative is the rate of change of the function at x0
Similar definitions of displacement and velocity

Add, subtract, multiply, divide or bracket to calculate 24

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