


x: How to solve (x + 60) = 2:3


8.56 * 10 square - 2.1 * 10 cubic
Science and technology law in grade one of junior high school


Given that the image of function y = a to the power of X-2 (a > 0 and a is not equal to 1) is only in the second quadrant, then the value range of a is, urgent!

Given that the image of function y = a to the power of X-2 (a > 0 and a is not equal to 1) is only in the second quadrant, then the value range of a is a > 1

Use your head and think about it: 1. Write 6 words that express fast: for example: fast running

Fast reading: ten lines at a glance
Fast to eat
Walking fast
The current is fast
Fast changing
Time flies
Quick answer
Fast speed
The boss's question needs to be considered, but he didn't clear it

The volume difference between a cylinder with equal base and height and a cone is 16 cubic meters. What is the volume of this cylinder______ Cubic meters. What's the volume of a cone______ Cubic meter

16 (3-1) = 8 (cubic meters); 8 × 3 = 24 (cubic meters); answer: the volume of this cylinder is 24 cubic meters, the volume of the cone is 8 cubic meters

Eleven nines make up some numbers and add operation symbols to make their result equal to 2002

9999 ÷ 9 + 999 - (99 +9 )
= 1111 + 999 - 108
= 2110 -108
= 2002

The necessary and sufficient condition for the binary function U (x, y) = f (x) g (y) is that u (x, y) * U "(_ xy)=u'(_ x)*u'(_ y)

Necessity: if u = FG
Then u'x = f'g
So UU "xy = FG * f'g '= FG' * f'g = u'x * U'y
Necessity is established
Sufficiency: if UU "xy = u'x * U'y
Change to: (uu'xy-u'x * U'y) / u ^ 2 = 0
That is: (u'x / U) '= 0, here is the derivation of Y
The integral of Y on both sides has u'x / u = C1 (x)
The integral of two sides to X is: ln | u | = C2 (x) + D (y)
So we have | u | = e ^ C2 (x) * e ^ D (y)
So u = f (x) * g (y)

Given the function f (x) = the square of AX + BX + C, if f (0) = 0 and f (x + 1) = f (x) + 2x + 1, try to find the expression of F (x)
Correction: F (x + 1) = f (x) + X + 1

Classmate, you are a junior high school student. This is a very simple topic for senior high school students. F (0) = a × 0 & # 178; + B × 0 + C = 0 get C = 0f (x + 1) = ax & # 178; + 2aX + A + BX + B = f (x) + 2x + 1 = ax & # 178; + BX + 2x + 1 merge the similar terms (2a + b) x + A + B = (B + 2) x + 1 get the binary linear equation system 2A + B = B + 2A + B = 1, get a = 1, B

ABCD multiplied by 9 equals DCBA, and ABCD is not the same number. What's the number of four

ABCD × 9 = DCBA, 4-digit times 9 or 4-digit can confirm ABCD