(- 3 / 4) x (- 2 and 1 / 2) / (- 2 and 1 / 4) calculation

(- 3 / 4) x (- 2 and 1 / 2) / (- 2 and 1 / 4) calculation



What is the value of X?
In general, X ≠ 1, there are:
Using the square difference formula from front to back
And then substitute in the value of X

The symmetry axis of the image of quadratic function y = (x + 2) (x-3) is
A.x=-2 B.x=3 C.x=-1/2 D.x=1/2

If you expand the formula, you have to find the formula for y
Just use the axis of symmetry = - B / 2A
Or you can expand the formula, the formula

Given the function f (x) = x − 1 x + 1, the solution of the equation f (x2) = 35 is______ .

According to the meaning of the question: F (x2) = x2 − 1x2 + 1 = 35, sort out: 5x2-5 = 3x2 + 3, transfer and merge: 2x2 = 8, that is, X2 = 4, the solution: x = 2 or - 2, the test X = 2 or - 2 is the solution of the fractional equation. So the answer is: 2 or - 2

Simplification: √ (2a & # 178; - B & # 178; + 2A √ A & # 178; - B & # 178;) - √ (A & # 178; - 2b √ A & # 178; - B & # 178;) condition (a > √ 2B > 0)

√(2a²-b²+2a√a²-b²)-√(a²-2b√a²-b²) =√((√a²-b²)^2+(2a√a²-b²)+a²)-√((√a²-b²)^2-(2b√a²-b²)+b²)=√((√a²-...

CAD two circles outside the arc how to draw, as shown in the figure!

Command & nbsp; & nbsp; C & nbsp; --- & nbsp; t --- click a point on the big circle --- click a point on the small circle --- enter radius 80 --- enter --- and then cut
According to your question, the wrong direction of the circle is because you chose the wrong quadrant
After learning quadrants, you will know that the auxiliary line in the middle of the circle divides the circle into four parts: the first quadrant, the second quadrant, the third quadrant and the fourth quadrant
Your tangent circle point is in the third quadrant (that is, the lower left position) & nbsp; the small circle point is in the second quadrant & nbsp; that is, the lower right position
Big circle on the bottom right & small circle on the bottom left will make mistakes

3.25 hours=______ Hours______ 5 kg 40 g=______ Kilogram

25 hours = 3 hours 15 minutes 5 kg 40 g = 5.04 kg

How many square meters is the rectangular playground 146.5 meters long and 100 meters wide

According to the rectangular area calculation formula: 146.5 * 100 = 14650 square meters

After translating the image of function f (x) = (3-x) / 2 (x + 1) according to vector a, the function g (x) satisfies g (1-x) + G (1 + x) = 1, then the vector coordinates are
A.(-1,1) B.(2,1.5) C.(2,1) D.(-2,-1.5)

According to the condition g (1-x) + G (1 + x) = 1, there is - (1 / 2-g (1-x)) = 1 / 2-g (1 + x), so 1 / 2-g (1 + x) is an odd function and the symmetric point is (0,0), so the symmetric point of G (x) is (1,1 / 2) and the symmetric point of F (x) = (3-x) / 2 (x + 1) is (- 1, - 1 / 2)

Compare the size of the difference: (x + 1) & #, 2x + 1

All (x + 1) ^ 2 is greater than or equal to 2x + 1