Given that the solution of the equation 2kx-3 = (K + 2) x about X is a positive integer, then the value of integer k is () A. 3b. 5C. 1D. 3 or 5

Given that the solution of the equation 2kx-3 = (K + 2) x about X is a positive integer, then the value of integer k is () A. 3b. 5C. 1D. 3 or 5

If the solution of the equation is a positive integer, then K-2 = 1 or 3, and the solution is k = 3 or 5

What is the value of K when (K + 1) x-x = 2 has a positive integer solution
"Weekly practice and monthly survey" 6, P45 page 29, 30, 31 also tell me

The solution is x = 6 / (K-2), so there is an integer solution when k = 3 or 4

If we know that Tana = 1 / 2tan (A-P) = - 2 / 5, then the value of Tan (2a-p)


Five times of a number is equal to the sum of two times of it and 1.2

Let this number be X
If you have any new questions, please don't send them in the form of follow-up questions, send them to me for help or send them to the question link address,

It is known that: for the equation x2-kx-2 = 0. (1) proof: no matter what the value of K is, the equation has two unequal real roots. (2) let the two roots of the equation be x1, X2, if 2 (x1 + x2) > x1x2, find the value range of K

(1) It is proved that: from the equation x2-kx-2 = 0, we know that a = 1, B = - K, C = - 2, ∵ b2-4ac = (- K) 2-4 × 1 × (- 2) = K2 + 8 > 0, ∵ no matter what the value of K is, the equation has two unequal real roots; (2) the two roots of ∵ equation x2-kx-2 = 0 are x1, X2, ∵ X1 + x2 = k, x1x2 = - 2, and ∵ 2 (x1 + x2

As shown in the figure, O is the origin of coordinates, the quadrilateral oabc is a rectangle, a (10,0), C (0,4), point D is the midpoint of OA, and point P moves along o → C → B → a from O to a, then the area of the figure enclosed by the corresponding motion route and X axis of the midpoint of PD is

Answer: 10
Analysis: this figure is a high 2, 5 wide rectangle

Define 4 △ 5 = 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 30, 7 △ 4 = 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 = 34, find (26 △ 15) + (10 △ 3) =? I know the answer
(26 △ 15) + (10 △ 3) = (26 + 27 +... + 40) + (10 + 11 + 12) = (26 + 40) × 15 △ 2 + 33 = 528 + 33 = 561 is the second step: why (26 + 40) × 15 △ 2 + 33 multiply by 15 and divide by 2?

15 is the number of numbers. There are 15 numbers in total. 2 is divided by 2 because it is doubled
26 + 27 + 28 + --- the sum of 39 + 40 (one),
40 + 39 + --- 28 + 27 + 26 (2). Is the sum of the two formulas equal to the sum of the corresponding upper and lower, that is, there are 15 26 + 40 in total, so (26 + 40) × 15? In this way, we add more than one formula, and then divide it by 2, is it the sum of each formula? This is the sum of arithmetic sequence, which I will learn in senior high school. This is the simple sum, You can add the first number, multiply by the number, and then divide by 2 to get the total

How to solve the equation 200 + 10x = 150 + 20x?


In a given ellipse, if the chord length passing through the focus and perpendicular to the major axis is 2 and the distance from the focus to the corresponding guide line is 1, then the eccentricity of the ellipse is 0______ .

Let the elliptic equation be x2a2 + y2b2 = 1 (a > b > 0), then there is 2b2a = 2 and a2c-c = 1, and then E = 22 can be obtained by dividing the two equations

How to solve 2x = 360!
