How to calculate 60 / x-60x + 1 / 5x = 1

How to calculate 60 / x-60x + 1 / 5x = 1

Multiply both sides of the equation by 5x to get the following equation: 300-300x2 + 1 = 5x
The results are as follows: 300x2 + 5x-299 = 0

How to calculate 14 / 60x = (18 + x) × 5 / 60?

14 / 60x = (18 + x) × 5 / 60, i.e
Through the test, x = ± √ 109-9 is in line with the meaning of the question

In English, what word phrase is followed by the original verb plus the ing form

Like.dislike.hate ... enjoy.. avoid.. stand.. mind.. can help doing.. can stand doing.. practice doing.. sometimes there are hearwatch see, etc

The concept of demand theorem in Economics

Demand theorem: under certain other conditions, demand decreases (increases) with the increase (decrease) of price

1. It is known that Z1 = 1-I, | Z2 | = 1, if Z1 * Z2 is fed with pure imaginary number, then Z2 =?
2. Given that the complex Z satisfies that Z / Z-1 is a pure imaginary number, find the maximum of | Z-I |

In the first problem, let Z2 = SiNx + cosx * I, then Z1 * Z2 = SiNx + cosx + (cosx SiNx) * I. If Z1 * Z2 is a pure imaginary number, then SiNx + cosx = 0, cosx SiNx is not equal to 0. Therefore, Z2 = {2 / 2 -} 2 / 2I or Z2 = - {2 / 2 +} 2 / 2I. In the second problem, let Z / Z-1 = n * I, then z = n * I * (Z-1) be simplified, z = (n ^ 2-N * I) / (n ^

Axiom of parallel lines

Parallel line 1. The concept of parallel line: in the same plane, two lines that do not intersect are called parallel lines, and the lines are parallel to each other, which is recorded as ‖. 2. The positional relationship of two lines is in the same plane, and there are only two kinds of positional relationships of two lines: 1) intersection; 2) parallel

To write an English composition of no less than 100 words: sports make me happy

I enjoy sports like tennis,basketball and swimming.But my favourite sport is playing basketball.I like sports because they can make me stronger and healthier.Besides ,through sports,I can relax myself....

It is known that the perimeter of △ ABC is 41cm and the edge BC is 17cm. The angle bisector ad divides △ ABC into two parts with an area ratio of 3:5, and ab < AC

According to the properties of the angular dividers of triangles, we know that ab: AC = 3:5 and ab + AC = 41-17 = 24  AB = 9, AC = 15

Judgment question: if a and B are two natural numbers greater than 1, then the greatest common factor of a and B is 1, and the least common multiple is ab ()

For example, a = 15, B = 6
Then the greatest common factor of a and B is 3 and the least common multiple is 30

Perimeter and area of similar triangles
1、 On a 1:50000 scale map, the perimeter of a polygonal area is 72 cm and the area is 320 square cm. Q: what is the actual perimeter and area of this area?
2、 The length of a pair of corresponding sides of two similar triangles is 35 and 14 respectively. If their area difference is 588 square centimeters, the area of the two triangles can be calculated

1. If the perimeter is multiplied by the similarity ratio, that is 72cm × 50000 = 36km, the area is multiplied by the square of the similarity ratio, that is 320cm ^ 2 × 50000 × 50000 = 8km ^ 22, if the similarity ratio is 35:14 = 5:2, then the area ratio is 25:4. Let each piece be K (25-4) × k = 588, then k = 28, then the large triangle surface