A number is 12 more than 40% of 20. Find the number

A number is 12 more than 40% of 20. Find the number

20 × 40% + 12 = 8 + 0.5 = 8.5 A: this number is 8.5

How much more is 20% of 40 than the product of 1 / 4 and 1 / 2

Multiple = 40 × 20% - 1 / 4 × 1 / 2 = 7.875

Recursive equation calculation: 1.3 × 35% + 8.7 △ 20 / 7 solution equation: 0.25 + 25% x = 1.5 x-20% x = 40 x + 60% x = 8 / 5 gods help

1.3 × 35% + 8.7 △ 20 / 7 = 1.3 × 0.35 + 8.7 × 7 / 20 = 1.3 × 0.35 + 8.7 × 0.35 = 0.35 x (1.3 + 8.7) = 0.35 × 10 = 3.5 solution equation: 0.25 + 25% x = 1.50.25 + 0.25x = 1.50 x = 5 x-20% x = 40 0.8x = 40 x = 50 x + 60% x = 8 / 5 x = 5 / 8 * 5 / 8 x = 25 / 64

Simple calculation of 3 / 8 × 5 / 11 + 0.375 × 2 and 6 / 11-3 divided by 3 / 8

0.375 is 3 / 8. Extraction is OK

Calculate the limit of 1 / x ^ 2-1 / (TaNx) ^ 2 when x approaches 0

1. The problem is infinity minus infinity;
2. There are many ways to solve this problem, but you can't use the equivalent infinitesimal directly,
&The result becomes the wrong result with the answer of 0
3. The following five solutions are not very different from each other. They are flexible

How to calculate 2.9 * 0.45 + 0.29 * 4.2 + 0.029 * 13


2ab-2 (a + b) + 1, factorization


Sixth grade mathematics: a number divided by 5 more than 4, divided by 4 more than 3, divided by 3 more than 2, what is the minimum number? Please write the formula


The product of the distance between the line L of a point P (1,1) and the intersection a B of a circle
l: Through point P, the inclination angle is 30·
Circle: x2 + y2 = 4

Substituting x = 1 + cos30 * t, y = 1 + sin30 * t into a circle, T ^ 2 + root 3T + T-2 = 0, product of distances = | T1 * T2 = 2

Solve the equation 2x-25.5 = 6.5x-50.5
Sorry, it's 2x-24.5 = 6.5x-50.5

The answer is 50 out of 9