3. The formula of 24 is - 5, - 12 and 7

3. The formula of 24 is - 5, - 12 and 7


Number 0,1,3,4,5,6, fill in the number to make the formula hold () x () 2 = () () each number can only be used once

It can be 5 * 12 = 60

Put the 10 numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 into the horizontal line of the following formula, and each number can only be used once______ +______ =______ ;______ -______ =______ ;______ ×______ =____________ .

The parabola y = x ^ 2 + X + 9 has an intersection with the X axis

There are 0 intersections with the X axis

It is known that the intersection of the square + 1 of the parabola Y1 = - X and the straight line y2 = - 3x-3 with two points a and B
(1) If Y1 is less than Y2, the value range of X
(2) If Y1 is greater than Y2, the value range of X

I'm very helpless. You first work out the value of X when Y1 = Y2, draw an image, mark the coordinates of the intersection point, and then judge according to your conditions. It's very eye-catching at a glance. I don't think this question will be tested in the exam. It's too simple,



2 (Y-X) & X-Y, approximately

If you have any questions, please ask!
I'm always ready!

Grade three math 500 oral arithmetic with answers

Given that the equations x = 2Y = 1 and x = 3Y = 3 are solutions of the equation y = KX + B, we can find the value of y when x = 3

So x = 3

The difficult problem of first degree equation of one variable in elementary school
1. Given the fifth power of equation (x-3) = the fifth power of AX + the fourth power of BX + the third power of Cx + the second power of DX + ex + F, find the value of a + B + C + D + e + F, and then find the value of A-B + C-D + E
2. Given that equation 2 (KX + 3) / 3 = 5 (2x + 3) / 6 - 1 / 2 has innumerable solutions, the value of K can be obtained
There is nothing wrong with the above question ~ this is a linear equation with one variable ~ it just can't make the score form, so use / to express the score line ~ hope you understand
thank you!

1. (x-3) ^ 5 = ax ^ 5 + BX ^ 4 + CX ^ 3 + DX ^ 2 + ex + F, to appear a + B + C + D + e + F, just make x = 1, substitute x = 1 into the left formula, and get a + B + C + D + e + F = (1-3) ^ 5 = (- 2) ^ 5 = 32; (1) obviously, when x = 0, we can get f = (- 3) ^ 5 = - 243, and when x = - 1, we can get - A + B-C + D-E + F = (- 1-3) ^ 5 = (- 4) ^ 5 = - 1