How much is 6 = 600 40 = 200 39? How to calculate this formula?

How much is 6 = 600 40 = 200 39? How to calculate this formula?

The solution is a = 11

Using the formula, the square of 40-39 is equal to

Square of 40 - square of 39

How many meters is two decimeters

Because the advance rate of decimeter and meter is 10,
2 △ 10 = 0.2 (m)
A: 2 decimeters is equal to 0.2 meters

What is the relationship between the root and the coefficient of the quadratic equation of two variables
The coefficient of quadratic term is represented by a, the coefficient of primary term by B, and the constant term by C
What is the relationship between them
Yes, yes, there are two relations between the root of quadratic equation of one variable and the coefficient. I went to bed when the teacher talked about it
Tell me what you know

LZ may be the Weida theorem X1 + x2 = - A / B, x1x2 = A / C

Given that the factorization factor of the polynomial 2x & # 178; + BX + C is 2 (x – 3) (x + 1), what are the values of B and C respectively?

Expand 2 (x-3) (x + 1) to 2x ^ 2-4x-6
The corresponding coefficients are equal
B = - 4, C = - 6

Given 4A & # 178; + B & # 178; + 9A & # 178; B & # 178; + 9 = 22ab, find the value of a + B
Try to answer as early as possible. I'll have class in 90 minutes

4a²-4ab+b² + 9a²b²-18ab+9=0
So 2a-b = 0, AB-1 = 0
A = √ 2 / 2, B = √ 2
Or a = - 2 / 2 b = - 2
So a + B = ± 3 √ 2 / 2

If the function f (x) = the third power of X + ax square + BX + a square belongs to (- 4, + ∞) for any a, f (x) increases monotonically on (0,2), and the minimum value of B is obtained

For any a belonging to (- 4, + ∞), f (x) increases monotonically on (0,2), that is, the interval f '(x) > = 0 must contain (0,2)
There are two situations

Quadratic function: it is known that the parabola y = ax ^ 2-11 / 2 ax + 6A (a < 0) intersects with X axis at two points a and B (point a is on the left side of point B)
It is known that the parabola y = ax ^ 2-11 / 2 ax + 6A (a < 0) intersects the x-axis at two points a and B (point a is on the left side of point B), intersects the y-axis at point C, and OC = 2ao
(1) Find the analytic function of this parabola
(2) Find the distance from point a to line BC

y=ax^2-11/2 ax+6a(a<0),
When x = 0, y = 6a, (a)

The rational number ABC is not zero, and a + B + C = 0. Let X be equal to a / B + C + B / C + A + C / A + B. try to find the 19th power of the algebraic formula x-99x + 2000
The middle section is that all the molecules are absolute values, and there is another absolute value outside to enclose them. Please hurry up

In the above three formulas, there are two 1, one - 1, or one 1, two - 1, so x = 1

8x + 9 (3 + 82 / 3.4x) = 557.3 + 6x - (- 2) solve the equation!

8x + 27 + 3690x /17 = 557.3 + 6x +2
2x + 3690x /17 = 559.3 - 27
3724/17 x = 532.3
x ≈ 0.4115