80% of a number is more than three fifths of 45. What's the formula for this number

80% of a number is more than three fifths of 45. What's the formula for this number


75% of a number is 12 less than 5 / 9 of 45. What is the number

This number = (45 × 5 / 9-12) △ 75% = 52 / 3

An ant starts from a certain point on the number axis and moves along the number axis for 2007 units of length at the speed of one unit per second, then it passes through the integer point
There are several

If the ant starts from integer points, it will pass through 2007 + 1 = 2008 integer points
If the ant does not start from an integer point, it will pass through 2007 integer points

A suit is 320 yuan in total. The unit price of trousers is 60% of that of top. How much more is the unit price of top than that of pants?

320 (1 + 60%), = 320 △ 1.6, = 200 (yuan); 200-200 × 60%, = 200-120, = 80 (yuan); answer: the unit price of coat is 80 yuan more than that of trousers

How to get an accurate value after finding out a value range of the cubic root 3
How to find out the number of cubic root 3
Let me know the value method

Answer: (1) test method: make a cube box with length, width and height of 1m, and measure the length with vernier caliper to the accuracy you need, such as 1.0000 M. then measure the length from the upper left corner of the back to the lower right corner of the front board, and the length is also accurate to the accuracy of the side measurement

4 cubic meters 5 cubic decimeters = how many cubic meters

4 cubic meters 5 cubic decimeters = 4.005 cubic meters
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

The passenger car and the freight car run from a and B at the same time. They meet each other in five hours. After meeting, the passenger car goes to B in three hours. It is known that the freight car travels 63 kilometers per hour, and how many kilometers per hour does the passenger car travel?

63 × 5 / 3, = 315 / 3, = 105 (km), answer: the bus travels 105 km per hour

Excuse me: what are the densities of granite and marble?

In general, the density of granite is 2.8g/cm3; the density of marble is 2.6g/cm3


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The side area of a cylinder is 628 square centimeters and its height is 20cm. What is the surface area and volume of the cylinder?

Bottom perimeter: 628 △ 20 = 31.4 (CM)
Bottom diameter: 31.4 △ 3.14 = 10 (CM)
Bottom radius: 10 △ 2 = 5 (CM)
Bottom area: 5 × 5 × 3.14 = 78.5 (cm2)
Two bottom areas: 78.5 × 2 = 157 (square centimeter)
Surface area: 157 + 628 = 785 (cm2)
Volume: 78.5 × 20 = 1570 (cm3)