-14*4/3-0.34*3/7+1/4*(-14)+4/7*(-0.34) Simple algorithm -14 * 3 / 4-0.34 * 3 / 7 + 1 / 4 * (- 14) + 4 / 7 * (- 0.34) just got the wrong number

-14*4/3-0.34*3/7+1/4*(-14)+4/7*(-0.34) Simple algorithm -14 * 3 / 4-0.34 * 3 / 7 + 1 / 4 * (- 14) + 4 / 7 * (- 0.34) just got the wrong number


Simplify (- 2) ^ 2011 + 2 ^ 2012=___


The price of an undergraduate technology is 1.5 yuan less than twice that of a story book, and 13.5 yuan for a science and technology book. How much cheaper is a story book than a science and technology book?


A and B start from a and B at the same time and travel in opposite directions. When they meet, B's journey is 23 times of a's. after meeting, a's journey is 96 kilometers, 45 kilometers in total. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

The speed ratio of a and B is 2:3, 96 △ 15 = 480 km. A: the distance between the two places is 480 km

Km = 1000 m = 10000 cm = 100000 mm =? Micron =? Nanometer. The back can be connected

K m = 1000 m = 100000 (5 zeros instead of 4 corrections LZ) = 1000000 cm = 1000000000 micron = 1000000000 NM

After reading the following materials, contact the above selections and complete questions 21-22
At this time, the host announced: "please don't use the flash, please be quiet." six staff members and eight security guards carefully pushed a big cage covered with red cloth onto the stage. Li gently lifted the red cloth, Inside was a lovely giant panda. The meeting was boiling, and the corn people screamed. Almost all of them held up their cameras and turned on their flash lights to shoot. Xiao Chunchun, who had never seen such a scene, huddled pitifully in a cage. In order to let him eat the bamboo Li Yuchun fed, someone shot the cage, The huge sound made xiaochunchun shiver all over. Li Yuchun, who came from Wolong, was also frightened and looked at it sympathetically. After the short adoption ceremony, two salutes exploded, and xiaochunchun was already in a daze
21. The behavior of "corn" has greatly damaged the health of "xiaochunchun". Please explain the reasons. (2 points)
22. What do you think of Li Yuchun's live activity of adopting "Xiao Chunchun"

Because the essence of corn is fanatical infatuation with Li Yuchun, low quality
Sincerity is good, but it should be publicized too much

The greatest common divisor of 16 and 20 is______ The least common multiple is______ .

8 = 2 × 2 × 216 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 220 = 2 × 2 × 5, so the greatest common divisor of 8, 16 and 20 is 2 × 2 = 4, and the least common multiple is 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 = 80, so the answer is 4; 80

One third () one third () one third () one third equals 2 (1) (3) (6) (9)

[(1/3) + (1/3)]/[(1/3) + (1/3)]=1[(1/3) / (1/3) - (1/3)]/(1/3) = 2[(1/3) + (1/3)+(1/3) ]/(1/3)=3[(1/3) + (1/3)]/[(1/3)*(1/3)]=6(1/3)/[(1/3)*(1/3)*(1/3)]=9

It is known that a and B are rational numbers, and ab < 0. Try to compare the sizes of | a + B |, | A-B |, | a | + | B |, | a | - | B |

The simplest way is to let a = 2, B = - 1 | a + B | = 1 | A-B | = 3 | a | + | B | = 3 | a | - | B | = 1 | A-B | = | a | + | B | > | a + B | = | a | - | B |||

Let the sequence {an} be a non constant arithmetic sequence, and the partial term {a (BK)} in {an} be an equal ratio sequence
Let the sequence {an} be a non constant arithmetic sequence, and the partial term {a (BK)} in {an} be an equal ratio sequence (k, n ∈ n *), and B1 = 2, B2 = 4, B3 = 12
(1) Find the general term formula of sequence {BN};
(2) Let CN = 4 ^ (n-1) / (BN * B (n + 1)), find the first n terms and Sn of the sequence {CN}
Note: it needs to be completed before 18:00,

A (B1) = A2 = a1 + D, a (B2) = A4 = a1 + 3D, a (B3) = A12 = a1 + 11d, and (A4) ^ 2 = A2 * A12, substituting the solution into d = - 3A1, so an = (- 3N + 4) A1, a (BK) = (- 3bk + 4) A1, q = a (B1) / a (B1) = A4 / A2 = - 8A1 / (- 2A1) = 4, a (BK) = a (B1) * 4 ^ (k-1) = - 2A1 * 4 ^ (k-1) = (- 3bk + 4) A1, so BK = [4