Unit conversion of density

Unit conversion of density

10^3Kg/m^3 =1g/ cm^3,1Kg/L=1g/ml(1Kg/dm^3=1g/cm^3)

Simple calculation of 2 / 3 × 4 / 99 + 4 / 3 × 97 / 99

=4/(3x99) *(2+97)=4/3

The focus f passing through the parabola y ^ 2 = 2px (P > 0) makes a straight line with inclination angle α and intersects the parabola at two points a and B, AF = X1 + P / 2

This is defined by the parabola
The guide line is x = - P / 2
Defined by parabola
AF = distance from s to guide line
So AF = X1 - (- P / 2) = X1 + P / 2

If a cuboid, a cylinder and a cone have the same base area and volume, then the height of the cylinder and the cuboid (), and the height of the cone is the cuboid ()

Hello, boy 44328
If a cuboid, a cylinder and a cone have the same base area and volume, the height of the cylinder is equal to that of the cuboid, and the height of the cone is three times that of the cuboid

Simple operation: 54 × 99 + 54

54 times 99 + 54
[questions are welcome]
Typing is not easy,

Use the most concise and easy to understand language to explain: Rolle's theorem, Lagrange's mean value theorem, Cauchy's mean value theorem, lobida's law, Taylor's formula
It's too difficult to understand. Thank you

Do you know the geometric meaning of the three mean value theorems? It should be in the book. It's easy to understand from the memory of geometric figures. The law of Robida is derived from Lagrange. Taylor's formula is a formula that connects function and series. It has two forms, in fact, the remainder is different. The meaning is that if a function is in an interval

When v = 10 & sup3; M & sup3;, P = 1
P = 1.43 kg / M & sup3;, find the functional relationship between P and V; (2) when v = 2m & sup3;, the oxygen density P

Define a new operation a * b = (a + 1) + (a + 2) + (a + 3) +. + (a + B-1). If x * 6 = 76, what is x equal to?

By definition
X※6= x+1 + x+2 + x+3 + x+4 + x+5 =76
So 5x + 15 = 76
x = 61/5

Solving volume by double integral
Find the volume of the solid (including the part inside the cylindrical surface) cut by the square of the sphere x plus the square of y plus the square of Z less than or equal to 4A and the square of the cylindrical surface x plus the square of y equal to 2aX (a > 0)

Find the volume of a sphere X & # 178; + Y & # 178; + Z & # 178; ≤ 4A & # 178; cut by a cylinder X & # 178; + Y & # 178; ≤ 2aX (a > 0)

1.5 astronomical units equals
Equal to_________ km?
Don't be lazy. I don't know much about it!

In astronomy, the distance between the earth and the sun is called one astronomical unit. One astronomical unit is 150 million km. 1.5 astronomical units are: 1.5 × 1.5 = 225 million km = 2.25 × 10 ^ 8km