The sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 67. If 5 is added to each numerator and denominator, the ratio of numerator and denominator is 2:5 I want to be able to understand and do it Besides, the number of books on the two bookshelves is 2:5, and the number of books on the first bookshelf is increased by 360. After that, the number of books on the two bookshelves is 5:8. How many books do these two bookshelves have now

The sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 67. If 5 is added to each numerator and denominator, the ratio of numerator and denominator is 2:5 I want to be able to understand and do it Besides, the number of books on the two bookshelves is 2:5, and the number of books on the first bookshelf is increased by 360. After that, the number of books on the two bookshelves is 5:8. How many books do these two bookshelves have now

If the numerator is x, the denominator is 67-x,
If you add 5 to each denominator, the numerator is x + 5 and the denominator is 72-x
According to the ratio of 2:5
Make an equation that is (x + 5): (72-x) = 2:5
We can get x = 17
The score is 17 / 50
I hope it's right. It can help you

Drink is obviously an uncountable noun, but why is it sometimes used with quantifiers?
I want to buy you a drink

There are two ways to explain it
1. A drink of means "a little, some" together, which is similar to the usage of quantifiers
Please give me a drink of water.
Please give me some water to drink
2. A drink means a cup, a bottle, a can. There is something omitted in the middle
For reference

Given the vector b = (2, - 1) C = (3,4) d = 4B + 5C, find the vector D

1. A TB = (- 3 2T, 2 T) | ^ 2 = (- 3 2t) ^ 2 (2 T) ^ 2 = 5T ^ 2-8t 13 = (T-4 / 5) ^ 2 65 / 5 | a TB | min = √ 13, then t = 4 / 5 2. A-tb = (- 3-2t, 2-T) ∵ a-tb and C are collinear ∵ 3 2T = 6-3t ∵ t = 3 / 5

What is the role of phrases in English?

Subject, predicate, adverbial and complement

As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, BD and CE are high, G and F are the midpoint of BC and de respectively, connecting GF. Try to judge the special position relationship between GF and de? Please give reasons

Proof: GF ⊥ de. the reasons are as follows: as shown in the figure, connecting eg, DG, ∵ BD and CE are the heights of AC and BC sides of △ ABC respectively, point G is the midpoint of BC, ∵ DG = eg = 12bc, ∵ point F is the midpoint of De, ∵ GF ⊥ De

Fox brush path Russian wait


In the triangle ABC, if Sina = 2cosbcosc, then Tana + Tanc =?

Let's find tanb + Tanc! From Sina = sin [Π - (B + C)] = that is sin (B + C) = 2cosbcosc, we can get that sinbcosc + sinccosb = 2cosbcosc, sinbcosc cosbcosc = cosbcosc sinccosbcosc (SINB CoSb) = CoSb (COSC sinc) that is (SINB CoSb) / CoSb = (COSC sinc) / cosctanb

Tom likes meat and vegetable for super

What does Tom like for supper?

As shown in the figure, a square with side length 2 cuts off four corners (four isosceles right triangles) and becomes an octagon with equal side length. Find the octagon
The length of the side (the result retains three decimal places)

Let the right side of the four truncated corners be x, then the opposite side of the triangle left is x * radical two
After cutting off the two right angles, the length of the remaining square is 2-2x
So we have 2-2x = x * radical two
Therefore, x = 2 / (2 + radical 2)
So the side length of octagon = radical 2 * x = 0.828

What is the opposite of go
