What's three eighths plus two fifths times 40

What's three eighths plus two fifths times 40


4x-3 × 9 = 29 solution equation


Simple calculation 9 / 18 * 11-11 / 18 * 6


How to judge the positive and negative of ABC based on image by quadratic function

If the opening is downward, then a is negative, and the axis of symmetry is - B / 2A. According to the position of the axis of symmetry, the positive and negative of B can be judged by the positive and negative of A. when x = 0, the intercept on the Y axis is the positive and negative of C. OK, that's not true


0.8 times 6 + 0.08 times 5 + 0.008 times 4 + 0.0008 times 3 + 0.00008 times 2 + 0.000008 times 1 = 4.8 + 0.4 + 0.032 + 0.0024 + 0.00016 + 0.00008 = 5.23464

Given the set a = {x | x ^ 2 + 4x = 0}, B = {x | x ^ 2 + 2 (a + 1) x + A ^ 2-1 = 0} if B belongs to a, the condition of finding real number a is satisfied
The problem is wrong. The original problem is a known set a = {x | x ^ 2 + 4x = 0}, B = x / x ^ 2 + ax + a = 0} if B belongs to a, the condition of finding real number a is satisfied

If B is an empty set, then x / x ^ 2 + ax + a = 0 = 0 has no solution
Then △ = a ^ 2-4a = a (A-4)

What's 100 times 100 out of 101,

=99 and 1 / 101

Factorization factor X * x-4y * Y-X + 2Y

The original formula is transformed as follows:
Using the square difference formula:

What angle is 360 degrees

It is the circumference angle of a circle, which is called the circumference angle. Supplement: (right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, superior angle, inferior angle). Half of the horizontal angle is called the right angle, which is represented by "┓" when drawing. The right angle is 90 degrees. The angle less than the right angle is called the acute angle, and the acute angle greater than 0 degrees is less than 90 degrees

How to calculate the determinant of order 1 * 3, such as | 1,2,3 |, please explain the method

The determinant must have the same number of rows and columns, and there is no determinant of order 1 * 3