A number 60% more than a number is 1 / 5 of 8. Find this number

A number 60% more than a number is 1 / 5 of 8. Find this number

8 * 1 / 5 divided by (1 + 1.6)
The answer is 1

It's 20% less than 5 tons______ Tons______ 30% of a ton is 60 tons

(1) 5-5 × 20% = 5-1 = 4 (tons) (2) 60 △ 30% = 200 (tons)

Uncle Li has 118 pieces of RMB 2 yuan, 5 yuan and 10 yuan, totaling 500 yuan, of which 5 yuan is equal to 10 yuan. How many pieces of each of the three kinds of RMB?
Note: it is not necessary to use the equation solution, but also have the formula

Set 2 yuan x pieces, 5 yuan and 10 yuan each Y pieces
Then x + 2Y = 118

Find the rule and fill in the number: 3, 9, 11, 17, 20______ 、______ 、36、41… .

Because 3 + 6 = 9, 9 + 2 = 11, 11 + 6 = 17, 17 + 3 = 20, so 20 + 6 = 26, 26 + 4 = 30, verification: 30 + 6 = 36, 36 + 5 = 41; so the answer is: 26, 30

The following set (1) is composed of all natural numbers less than 6, and (2) is the solution set of equation (x + 2) &# 178; = 0


Definite integral of 1 / (1-x) on [0,2]

∫[0,2]1/(1-x) dx
=-∫[0,2]1/(x-1) d(x-1)
Is there something wrong with the integral region

Exploration rule: 7,19,37

An = 3n²+3n+1
Check: n = 1, a = 3 + 3 + 1 = 7

The two natural numbers adjacent to a are () and (), and their sum is ()

The sum of A-1 and a + 1 is 3a

The positive number set and negative integer set are combined together to form the set () a integer set B rational number set C non-zero integer set D. the above statements are not true

The combination of positive number set and negative integer set forms (c) a integer set B rational number set C non-zero integer set D, which is not true

The first row 5 7 3 the second row 9 23 4 the third row 2 8

Should be 0
5 7 3 5*2-7=3
9 23 4 9*3-23=4
2 8 0 2*4-8=0