English (13 21:16:54) Betty's mother arrived(  )Beijing(      )the morning of August 8

English (13 21:16:54) Betty's mother arrived(  )Beijing(      )the morning of August 8

in on
Arrive in the morning and use on

A general formula of sequence 1, 2, 5, 10, 17,... Is?


Finding the intersection of circle and plane
The path on the sphere is the intersection of the sphere (P (x, y, z) = (1,2,3cm) and the plane x + 2Y + 3Z = 5mm
Just find the intersection of the circle and the plane

The simultaneous equations of (x-1) ^ 2 + (Y-2) ^ 2 + (Z-3) ^ 2 = 6.25 and X + 2Y + 3Z = 5 are the expressions of circles in space

Experimental phenomena of soda ash and white vinegar

Experimental phenomenon: there are bubbles
The heat release on the first floor and the fourth floor is not an experimental phenomenon
The sound of "Yiyi" on the third floor does not seem to be an experimental phenomenon
The fifth floor is not an experimental phenomenon at all, but a product!
Agree to the second floor!
I'm against him!

Formula of Bernoulli equation
Using the mathematical analysis and calculation of giant body to analyze the arc ball, how much force can have the effect?

P + ρ GZ + (1 / 2) * ρ V ^ 2 = C, where p, ρ and V are the pressure, density and velocity of the fluid respectively; Z is the vertical height; G is the acceleration of gravity. Each item in the above formula represents the pressure energy P, gravitational potential energy ρ Gz and kinetic energy (1 / 2) * ρ V ^ 2 of the unit volume fluid respectively. In the process of moving along the streamline, the sum remains unchanged, that is, the total energy

If the maximum value of the function y = log x (2 ≤ x ≤ π) is 1 larger than the minimum value, then the value of a is?

The maximum and minimum of y = loga (x) (2 ≤ x ≤ π)
a> 1, loga (π) - loga (2) = loga (π / 2) = 1, a = π / 2

West longitude and east longitude. Why does west longitude sometimes become the eastern hemisphere? How do you think it is south latitude and north latitude

East longitude 0-160 degrees, west longitude 0-20 degrees for the eastern hemisphere
The Western Hemisphere is 160-180 degrees east longitude and 20-180 degrees west longitude;
To the south of the equator is the southern hemisphere, and to the north is the northern hemisphere~

Three consecutive even numbers, y in the middle, and 60 (solution of a series of equations)

If y is in the middle, the smaller one is (Y-2), the larger one is (y + 2), and the sum is:
The solution is as follows
That is, three even numbers are 18, 20 and 22

It is known that the equation MX ^ 2-mx + 2 = 0 about X has two equal real roots, then the value of M is

From the meaning of the title, it is concluded that:
The solution is m = 0 or M = 8
And because: m ≠ 0
So: M = 8

How many hours is one more?

In ancient China, the four units of timing were hour, watch, dot and moment. Hour, also known as hour, was divided into several periods according to the color of the sky. For example, when the day was about to dawn, it was the dawn, the sunrise was the morning, the sun was at the middle of the day, the sunset was the dusk, and the night was called night or night