Finding the original function of indefinite integral 1 / (x ^ 2 + x)

Finding the original function of indefinite integral 1 / (x ^ 2 + x)

The result is ln|x / x + 1|
Liamqy answers your questions!
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When potassium is placed in air, does it react with oxygen first or with water first?

It reacts with oxygen first

A parallelogram and a triangle have the same base and area. The height of a triangle is 6 decimeters. What is the height of a parallelogram?

The area of parallelogram s = base × height
Area of triangle s = base × height △ 2
From the known height of quadrilateral = triangle height △ 2 = 3 decimeters

11, 13, 1, 6, 24
Except for (13 × 11 + 1) △ 6

(13×11)÷6…… one
=143÷6…… one

A math problem in the third year of junior high school
1. The output value of a long coal plant in the first quarter is 2 million yuan, and the increase in the third quarter is 2.42 million yuan. What is the average quarterly growth rate of coal in the second and third quarters? If the growth rate in the fourth quarter remains unchanged, the total output value of the plant in the whole year can be calculated

Suppose that the percentage of average quarterly output value growth in the second and third quarters is X
The total annual output value of the plant is 200 + 200 * (1 + x) + 200 (1 + x) ^ 2 + 200 (1 + x) ^ 3
=9.282 million yuan

As shown in the figure, in ladder ABCD, ab ∥ DC, e is on BC, f is on ad, and AE ∥ FC is connected with de and BF

It is proved that the intersection of AD and BC is extended at point M. (let CD be less than AB),
Because AB / / DC,
So MD / MA = MC / MB, that is: mdxmb = maxmc,
Because AE / / FC,
So MF / MA = MC / me, that is mexmf = maxmc,
So mdxmb = mexmf,
That is: MD / MF = me / MB,
So de / / BF

In △ ABC, a = M & # 178; - N & # 178;, B = M & # 178; + n & # 178;, C = 2Mn, where m and N are positive integers, and M > N, then △ ABC is ()
A right triangle B acute triangle C obtuse triangle D is not a right triangle
It's a process

b^2=m^4+n^4 +2m^2n^2
b^2-a^2=4m^2n^2 =c^2
So B ^ 2 = a ^ 2 + C ^ 2
This is a right triangle

Who help me out 1 cylinder volume problem, 2 cylinder surface area problem, 2 cuboid surface area problem, 2 cuboid volume problem, grade 6?
Thank you! Please help! Please as soon as possible! Sixth grade!

1. The radius of a cylindrical tea can is about 3cm, and its side is expanded to be a square. How many cubic centimeters is the volume of this tea can?
2 Xiaohong to make a cylindrical pen, the bottom radius of 4 cm, 16 cm high, at least how much square centimeter paper wrench?
3. A medicine box is 1.8 decimeters long, 0.8 decimeters wide and 0.6 decimeters high
4. A TV box is 1 m long, 0.5 m wide and 0.8 m high. What's the surface area?
5. To make cuboid steel, the length and width are 3 meters and the height is 2 meters. What's the volume?
6. What is the volume of a drawer, 18 cm long, 16 cm wide and 9 cm high?

A rectangle is composed of six squares of the same size, with a total area of 294 square centimeters. Then the circumference of the rectangle is []
A rectangle is composed of six squares of the same size, with a total area of 294 square centimeters. Then the circumference of the rectangle is []

294 △ 6 = 49 (cm2)
Two possibilities, 3 × 2 and 1 × 6
7 × 2 × 1 + 7 × 3 × 1 = 60 (CM)
A: the circumference of a rectangle is 60 cm
7 × 1 × 2 + 7 × 6 × 2 = 98 (CM)
A: the circumference of a rectangle is 98 cm

What is the significant number of 5.60 times 10 to the fourth power

5 6 0
If it is
056 times 10 to the fourth power, the significant number is 5,6
The measurement results are approximate data with errors. When recording and calculating the data, the number and location of data should be determined on the basis of the possible accuracy of measurement. If the number of data involved in the calculation is less, the accuracy of field work results will be damaged and the due accuracy of calculation results will be affected. If the number of data is more, it is easy for people to think that the measurement accuracy is very high, And it increases unnecessary calculation work
Generally speaking, all the reliable digits of a data plus the first suspicious digit are called the significant digits of the data
The significant digits of an approximate data is the number of significant digits in the number, which refers to the number from the first non-zero digit to the last digit (including zero) on the left side of the number. It does not depend on the position of the decimal point