What does subplot (221) mean in MATLAB? 221 is a number, not separate,

What does subplot (221) mean in MATLAB? 221 is a number, not separate,

There are several forms of subplot receiving parameters. Subplot ([a, B, C...], subplot ([a, B, C...]), subplot (ABC...) and subplot (a, B, C.) are the same. Help subplot more detailed help

Matlab input 20 numbers, find the maximum and minimum value, with the loop statement and call Max function and min function to achieve

If the 20 numbers are represented by array a, the maximum value is max (a), and the minimum value is min (a). For more detailed instructions, enter doc Max and DOC min in the matlab command line
In addition, use for to find max (a), which is denoted as Maxa:
for i=1:length(A)

The min and Max functions in C + +
I wrote the following expression:
DWORD dwMilliseconds = min(max(0,(int)(1000*(fT1 - 0.05f + fT2))),20);
Results in some cases, dwmilliseconds will be equal to 0xFFFFFFFF, who can tell me why? I have max limit, so that the return value will not be negative, and min limit, so that the return value is not greater than 20, how can there be 0xFFFFFF?

First of all, make sure that your min and Max are in the standard library, because min and Max are also defined in windef. H, the header file of Win32, and what's in windef is a macro, not a function. If it's a macro, you may have problems nesting such complex expressions
If you are in a windows project, you can change min and Max to_ Min and_ Max try, these two generally represent min and Max in C + + library
Next, you can try adding appropriate cast in front of each parameter to prevent template derivation error. However, I don't think it's wrong to deduce here

For a, B and C, m {a, B, C} is used to represent the average of the three numbers, and min {a, B, C} is used to represent the smallest of the three numbers

(2008, Zhenjiang) read the following materials:
For three numbers a, B and C, m (a, B, c) is used to represent the average of the three numbers, and min (a, B, c) is used to represent the smallest of the three numbers. For example: m {- 1,2,3}=
Solve the following problems:
(1) Fill in the blank: Min {sin30 °, cos45 ° tan30 °} =, if min {2,2x + 2,4-2x} = 2, then the value range of X is ≤ x ≤;
(2) If M {2, x + 1,2x} = min {2, x + 1,2x}, find X
② According to ①, you find the conclusion "if M {a, B, C} = min {a, B, C}, then (fill in the size relationship of a, B, c)",
Prove your findings
③ If M {2x + y + 2, x + 2Y, 2x-y} = min {2x + y + 2, x + 2Y, 2x-y}, then x + y =;
(3) In the same rectangular coordinate system, make the image of the function y = x + 1, y = (x + 1) 2, y = 2-x (do not need to list the points). Through observing the image, fill in the blanks: the maximum value of Min {x + 1, (x-1) 2,2-x} is
Examination points: image of quadratic function; solution of linear equation of one variable; application of linear inequality of one variable; image of linear function; trigonometric function value of special angle
Special topic: reading type
Analysis: (1) because min (a, B, c) is used to represent the smallest of the three numbers, the values of sin30 °, cos45 ° and tan30 ° are calculated respectively. Because sin30 ° is the smallest, min {sin30 °, cos45 ° and tan30 °} = sin30 degrees;
(2) Combined with the meaning of the problem, discuss it according to the situation, connect the practical problem with the mathematical thought, read the problem, list the formula or the system of one variable one-time inequality, and then solve it;
(3) The key to solving the problem is to make a correct picture
If min {2,2x + 2,4-2x} = 2, then the value range of X is 0 ≤ x ≤ 1;
Method 1: ∵ 2x - (x + 1) = X-1,
Then min {2, x + 1,2x} = 2, then x + 1 = 2,
When x is less than 1,
Then min {2, x + 1,2x} = 2x, then x + 1 = 2x,
X = 1 (rounding off)
To sum up, x = 1
Method 2: ∵ m {2, x + 1,2x}=


Proof: ∵ m {{a, B, C}}=
If min {a, B, C} = C, then a ≥ C, B ≥ C
That is a + b-2c = 0
A-c ≥ 0, B-C ≥ 0
A-c = 0 and B-C = 0
In other cases, the same can be proved, so a = b = C
(3) Make an image
The maximum is 1

One third is equal to 3 + 3, then 1 + several, and then several parts. 3 * 7 is equal to 9 times () is equal to () * 28 is equal to 15 parts and 42 parts
Help me. I'll pay more. Help me
How many fingers (), * refers to multiplication

3 * 7 is 9 times 7 / 3, 3 / 4 times 28, 15 / 7 and 882 / 42
The front ones don't know what you mean

Given that y = f (x) is a quadratic function and satisfies f (0) = 1, f (x + 1) - f (x) = 2x, find the analytic expression of y = f (x)
On the second floor, a and B are equal to 1 and - 1 respectively. How does it come about? Can they be equal to 2 and - 2? Can we talk about more examples of equality identity? Can we increase the reward

Y = f (x) is a quadratic function
Let f (x) = ax ^ 2 + BX + C
And f (x + 1) - f (x) = 2x
Then a (x + 1) ^ 2 + B (x + 1) + 1-ax ^ 2-bx-1 = 2x
Equality identity
Then 2A = 2, a + B = 0 = = > A = 1, B = - 1
So f (x) = x ^ 2-x + 1
be careful:
Because in different cases of X
There is f (x + 1) - f (x) = 2x
After simplification, there are 2aX + A + B = 2x
Let 2aX + A + B = 2x hold
Only if 2A = 2, a + B = 0, 2aX + A + B = 2x, X is any value
That is to say, 2A = 2, a + B = 0, a = 1, B = - 1

How to solve the two equations x + 3 / 5 = 16 and 20 * x = 60?
Sorry to trouble you again, but I'm really in a hurry

X + 3 / 5 = 16
X = 15 and 2 / 5
x=60 ÷20


From sin (90 ° - α) = cos α
So Sin & # 178; 89 ° = cos & # 178; 1 °
From sin & # 178; α + cos & # 178; α = 1
So Sin & # 178; 1 ° + Sin & # 178; 89 ° = 1
The original formula is (Sin & # 178; 1 ° + Sin & # 178; 89 °) + (Sin & # 178; 2 ° + Sin & # 178; 88 °) +. + (Sin & # 178; 44 ° + Sin & # 178; 46) + Sin & # 178; 45


Original formula = (10-9-8-7) (2-x) = 56 2-x = - 56 / 14 x = 6

If Tan α = 3 and Tan β = 43, then Tan (α - β) equals ()
A. -3B. −13C. 3D. 13

∵ Tan α = 3, Tan β = 43 ∵ Tan (α − β) = Tan α − Tan β 1 + Tan α Tan β = 3 − 431 + 3 × 43 = 13